Past Life Regression Audio CD’s  £12.95

(approx $16.00)

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A unique blend of meditation and self hypnosis , taking you on an exciting journey into your own past lives, unlocking doors in your mind opening other worlds, worlds that were yours in another time.

You are gently led into a beautifully calm state of mind using visualisation and relaxation techniques. You won't fall asleep and will remain in control and fully aware of what is happening. It is a perfectly safe natural state of mind, similar to daydreaming. You will be able to experience your past lives in your minds eye as if you are actually there as it happens. These high quality recordings are among the most popular available and presented by the Chairman of the Past Life Therapists Association. Included is an introduction, followed by an initial induction to help you get used to the journey, and then two separate and very thorough past life regressions.

Total running time:  58 minutes

CD Testimonial

This excellent CD released my previous life which, for 65 years, had walked with me, as fragmented memories, which seemed destined to go with me to the grave. All that I learned from my CD inspired journey was truly mind boggling; such that I have told the entire story in my book that is due to be published at the end of November 2010. From personal experience I fully recommend this Past Life regression CD to the many, like myself, who seek to unlock that certain 'something' that has become part of their daily life.

Charles Cane.

Author of  My Ever Best Friend

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