Reasons for Having a

Past Life Regression

People come for Past Life Regression for many different reasons. The main ones are:

REGRESSION THERAPY - Our character today represents a culmination of all the experiences we have had over numerous lifetimes. These past life events affect many aspects of our behaviour, and in some cases, past deeply emotional traumas can cause psychological problems which can not be cured with ordinary psychotherapy. Past life regression therapy can release these repressed thoughts and bring about a beneficial change.

UNDERSTANDING - Exploring your past lives with past life regression offers a whole new dimension to the understanding of your own character. You suddenly realise for the first time why you are drawn to certain places or have a particular interest in something.

INTEREST - Many enjoy the experience of tracing their past lives purely from the point of curiosity. Certain past existences in particular can be pieced together with great detail, producing names, dates and places. Many of these details have been researched and authenticated, resulting in some fascinating literature on the subject.

RELATIONSHIPS - Quite often, groups of interacting souls reincarnate together and take on the roles of relations, friends or even rivals. Many believe this happens to balance the laws of karma - the harmony or disharmony caused by peoples behaviour towards each other. Have you ever met someone for the first time, yet feel you have known them all your life? A regression therapy session will help you find these people.

What is Past Life Regression

 What are Past Life Memories

Why Have Past Life Regression?


Future Life Progression