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Everything you need to know before embarking on your own personal past life journey of discovery.

Written by the Chairman of the Past Life Therapists Association having drawn from his own personal experiences as a recognised authority in this field, The Many Faces of You is considered to be the definitive guide to Past Life Regression. Every aspect of this captivating subject is covered in depth with many case studies and explanations to convey the wonderful diversity of experiences available for those who wish to explore their past.

It is the ultimate form of personal time travel enabling you to remember who you were in your previous lifetimes. Exploration and discovery are the most popular features of this fascinating technique but it goes far beyond just finding out what lives you have led. This discipline provides a powerful therapeutic benefit by uncovering emotionally-charged past life events which can affect your present lifetime. You can also visit the spiritual world between past lives and your future lives too.

Along with a full and detailed explanation of this fascinating subject there are step-by-step guides for you to experience your previous lives for yourself.

The Many Faces of You

Revealed with Past Life Regression

by Andrew Hillsdon

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