The Past Life Therapists Association -  Therapists in Sussex


Christine Wesson

Oak Tree Lane   Woodgate    Chichester    West Sussex    PO20 3GU   Map

Tel:  01243 699646   mobile:   07747 865982


web site:  

Have you ever wondered if you have lived before? Have you always had an interest in a certain period of time but not known why. Have you had vivid dreams that have puzzled you? Have you been told by a medium that you have lived before? Are you curious to find out more?

Under hypnosis you can take an interesting and illuminating journey back in time to explore your past. Travelling back in time may help you to resolve present day issues and let them go. You can have questions answered and problems resolved or simply satisfy your curiosity.

Sessions are recorded.


• Metaphysical & Spiritual Counselling

• Hypnotherapy/Psychotherapy

• EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) Therapist and Trainer

• DPLT (Dip Past Life Regression)

• Adv. DPLT (Advanced Dip Past Life Regression)


• GHR (General Hypnotherapy Register)

• AAMET (Association for the Advancement of Meridian Energy Techniques)

• MSEC (Metaphysical Society for the Expansion of Consciousness)

• MPLTA (Member of the Past Life Therapists Association)

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Tricia Bamsey

9 Wellington Way  Horley  Surrey  RH6 8JL   Map

Tel: 01293 772619  Mobile: 07986 472432


Web Site:

I am a working medium and I help people with their loved ones, proving life after death so working with PLR seemed so natural in finding our other lives, but always finding out why we have patterns or fears in this life time, review my web site to find out more about  me.


• DPLT Diploma in Past Life Therapy with The Past Life Therapists Association


• MPLTA The Past Life Therapists Association

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Helena Ramsay

Kemptown Brighton or on line through Zoom

Tel:  07523 216658


web site:

I am a humanistic counsellor who specialises in the ancient esoteric arts . I am a qualified astrologer and tarot card reader . Astrology clearly points us in the direction of our past life and any unfinished business the soul is carrying . I weave the esoteric arts with past life therapy and emotional processing in order to help the soul complete its unfinished business so it is free to continue its journey and find authentic expression . I have a highly successful you tube channel and work with people from all over the world.


First Class Humanistic Counselling

Past Life Regression Diploma

Emotional Processing Diploma

• Evolutionary Astrologer


• MPLTA (Member of the Past Life Therapists Association)

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Gary Ivey

Weavers, Warren Lane, Cross In Hand, Heathfield, East Sussex. TN21 0TE  Map

Tel:  01435 515034

Mobile: 07905 033771



• DPLT Diploma in Past Life Regression and Therapy


• MPLTA (Member of the Past Life Therapists Association)

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Joanna Shairp       Three Oaks Lane   Wadhurst   East Sussex   TN5 6PY    Map

Tel: 01892 784965   


Joanna is a qualified Past Life Regression Therapist (Dip PLR), Master Clinical Hypnotherapist (MCH), teacher and accredited healer. She is GHR and CNHC registered.

Joanna teaches workshops and short courses in East Sussex and London. She is available for one to one Past Life Regression therapy. This is a healing therapy which allows the client to draw upon the resources of his unconscious mind, to break life inhibiting patterns, and confront and heal any past life issues which may emerge.


• BA Hons Exon PGCE London.

• Registered UK Healer, Accredited CPS London

• Diploma in Past Life Regression Therapy - The Academy of Transpersonal Therapies

• Certificate of Further Counselling Skills WKC

• Diploma in Clinical Hypnosis (DCH) from The Institute of Clinical Hypnosis

• Diploma in Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy (DHP) from The Institute of Clinical Hypnosis


• Member of the Past Life Therapists  Association

• Member of the College of Psychic Studies, London.

• GHR Registered (Past Life Regression)

• CNHC registered

• MICH  Member of The Institute of Clinical Hypnosis

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Stephen Williamson

Meditation Therapist

Telscombe, Brighton, East Sussex, BN10 7EA  Map

Telephone: 01273 589768   Mobile:  07808 894848


Web Site:

I have been a professional therapist for the past 25 years. As well as being a member of the Past Life Therapists Association, I am a also a guild member of the Spiritual Workers Association.

I am a Professional Life Coach, and I have taken different aspects of my work, and developed technics that successfully help my clients.



• DPLT Diploma in Past Life Therapy


• MPLTA The Past Life Therapists Association

• Spiritualist National Union

• Guild of Spiritual Workers Association

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Kirsty Grogan

KDG Hypnotherapy  Peasmarsh  Rye  East Sussex TN31 6ST Map

Tel: 07867 944355


Web Site:

Hi my name is Kirsty and I am a Clinical Hypnotherapist and Past Life Regression Therapist.

I love to work with clients and help them to release any past life traumas.

As a Hypnotherapist and Past Life Regression Therapist I can assist people to move forward with traumas that hold them back.

I also hold a Diploma in Spirit Release and Attachment Therapy and can help people who need assistance in this area.

I am an Angelic Reiki Teacher and Master and an Usui Reiki Practitioner.


• Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy

• Diploma in Spirit Release Therapy

• Diploma in Past Life Regression Therapy

• Certificate in Counselling Skills and Theory

• Advanced Certificate in Virtual Gastric Band

• Award in Education and Training (AET)

• Angelic Reiki Master/Teacher


• International Hypnotherapy Association (IHA)

• Past Life Therapists Association

• Spirit Release Forum

• Society for Education and Training (SET)

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Please choose a therapist:

Joanna Shairp - Wadhurst

Christine Wesson - Chichester

Tricia Bamsey - Horley

Helena Ramsay - Brighton

Gary Ivey - Heathfield

Stephen Williamson  - Brighton

Kirsty Grogan - Rye