The Past Life Therapists Association -  Therapists in Warwickshire

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David Graham - Kenilworth

Stuart Downing - Kenilworth


David Graham


Working from home in Kenilworth. Contact for details


Tel: 01926 772215  Mobile: 07854 538495


Web Site:




Past Life Regression uncovers memories of lives you have already experienced. Revisiting these lives can offer healing and insight for the person that you are today. I also offer occasional workshops and courses in Past Life Regression aimed at personal and spiritual development.

Regression Therapy is aimed at the root of your issue wherever that may be. A variety of techniques are offered to help you release and transform energy  blockages that affect you now. These may originate from past lives, the womb or earlier in this life.
Interlife Therapy (Spiritual) Regression explores soul memories between lives. This can offer many profound insights, such as our purpose in choosing our current life, our soul journey and our soul group.

Please CLICK HERE to see David's in-depth research project on Regression Therapy.





• Dip. R.Th. Regression Therapist.  PLRA


• Cert. Interlife Therapy (Spiritual) Regression Therapist PLRA


• M.Dip.Hyp   Master Diploma in Clinical Hypnosis and NLP


• GQHP     The General Qualification in Hypnotherapy Practice awarded by the General Hypnotherapy Standards Council.


• USUI Reiki Master.

• Certificate in Dowsing

• Remote Spirit Release Practitioner IPHM Registered




• EARTh European Association for Regression Therapy


• MPLTA  Member of The Past Life Therapists Association.

• SRTA Member of The Spiritual Regression Therapists Association

• GHR Member of the General Hypnotherapy Register

• IPHM International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine

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Stuart Downing DMH CPNLP DHyp EMDR Dip Cht


The Cottage Therapy  Center     12 New Street     Kenilworth    Warwickshire   CV8 2EZ    Map



Tel:  01926 910031       Mobile:  07825 599340


Web Site: 


Email address: 

Regression, whether it is to the earlier part of the current life or to past lives, is a very transformative process and can give us valuable insights into our lives. The point of past life work is to enable a soul to understand the consequences of previous choices and to know that each individual is ultimately responsible for shaping and creating his or her life in the present. The knowledge we gain can help us overcome obstacles, phobias, fear and habits, resolve relationship issues and so much more.


     • D.M.H.  Master Hypnotist

     • D.Hyp   Clinical Hypnotherapist

     • CPNLP Clinical Practitioner Neuro Linguistic Programming

     • EMDR   Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing Practitioner

     • Advanced Weight Control & Hypnotic Banding Therapist

     • Advanced Smoking Cessation Specialist

     • Parts Therapist practitioner



• MPLTA  Member of The Past Life Therapists Association

• GHR    Registered (General Hypnotherapy Register)

• GHSC Validated Practitioner (General Hypnotherapy Standards Council)

• MNCH  Member of the National Council for Hypnotherapy

• NGH     Member of the National Guild of Hypnotists , Inc

• MDHA The International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association

• HA        International Hypnosis Association

• HA         Hypnotherapy Association

• APH     International Alliance of Professional Hypnotists

• BS Registry Member of the specialist therapist for IBS treatment

• PCSG   Member of the Primary Care Society for Gastroenterology .

• ACT      International Association of Counselors and Therapists

• GSMTS  Guild for Stress Management and Trauma Specialists

• CNHC    Member of the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council

• GSCST  Guild for Smoking Cessation Specialists & Therapists

• MELT     Member of Complete Mind Therapists

• ACMT    Association of Complete Mind Therapists

• PPA      Member of International Positive Psychology Association

• CRSST  Accredited Practitioner (Central Register of Stop Smoking Therapists)

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