The Past Life Therapists Association

Interlife Therapy Diploma Course

Final Exam

Please read carefully.

IMPORTANT: Owing to the unreliable nature of online forms it is recommended that you first put your answers onto a word document or similar and then paste them onto this page before sending.

Please answer all 21 questions.

Although this is an open book question paper it should be treated with the same reverence as any other exam. Suitable conditions should still be set and  it should be attempted in one sitting.

Answers should be thorough and adequate. One line or less will be marked incorrect.

Copying and pasting from the course work will be recognised and marked incorrect.

The pass mark is set fairly high and will subject to the examiners’ discretion.

Any student who does not reach the required standard will be invited to undertake further study and resit the exam.

In extreme cases resits may be conducted over the telephone with an examiner and a fixed time limit will be imposed.

Your Name

Your Student Number

Your Email Address

19. What is ‘Spiritual Integration’?