Past Life Therapists Association -  Skype and Telephone Consultations


Chairman of the Past Life Therapists Association

Sessions available via telephone, Skype Audio and WhatsApp Audio only .

Please CLICK HERE for more information.

Tel: 01409 211559     Mobile: 07787 577823

Web sites:


Email :

Andrew specialises in Past Life Regression, Life Between Life and Future Life Progression.

An appointment is 1½ hours long, but quite often longer sessions are arranged. His fee is £90.

Gift Vouchers for PLR sessions are available.

Take the trip of many lifetimes.

Andrew has been practicing Past Life Regression for a number of years, in addition to conventional hypnotherapy. As a fully qualified and experienced Hypnotherapist, registered with The National Council for Hypnotherapy Ltd, he is also available for therapy sessions in Smoking Cessation and Weight Management.

Smoking cessation and weight management in a single 90 minute session.

Andrew also runs the Hypnotherapy South West Training School offering distance learning diploma courses in Past Life Regression,  Smoking Cessation and Weight Management. Please click here for more details.


DHP        Diploma in Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy.  

DPLT      Diploma in Past Life Therapy.  

• Adv.DPLT  Advanced Diploma in Past Life Therapy.

• DFLP  Diploma in Future Life Progression.

• DipIT Diploma in Interlife Therapy (Life between Life)

• DPLET     Diploma in Past Life Energy Therapy.

• DSCT     Diploma in Smoking Cessation Therapy.  

DWMT   Diploma in Weight Management Therapy.

• DVHGB Diploma in the Virtual Hypno Gastric Band  Therapy.


• FPLTA  Founder member of The Past Life Therapists Association.


 • MNCH   Member of The National Council for Hypnotherapy.

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Dr. Michael G. Millett. Ph.D, Cert.H.Hyp, PLTH (Accred), DPLR/SR, Cert.Couns, THH (Accred), FHS SHS (Acc),

Elevated Therapy International

"Tipperary House"   21 Dudley Road    Grantham    Lincolnshire    NG31 9AA    Map

Tel: 0845 65 88 22 0 (UK Local Rate Line)    and    01476 568800

Main Web Site:                          

Past Life Area on site (Direct url):


The Elevated Therapy International web site is a place to visit for lots of information about past life regression and past life healing as well as numerous related and complementary information and ways of working and development for your interest.

Michael`s Diary and availability details are there for your perusal.


Diploma in Holistic Hypnotherapy.

PhD in Psychotherapy.

Diploma in Counselling and Hypnotherapy.

NLP Practitioner.

Accredited Past Life Practitioner.

Diploma in Transpersonal Healing.

Certificate in Mastery as a Reiki and Seichim Master.

Life Purpose Coach.

Energy Therapist and Licensed Trainer.

Spirit Releasement Therapist.


Memberships / Awards

International Association for Regression Research and Therapies Inc. (USA).

National Council for Hypnotherapy.

National Association of Counsellors, Hypnotherapists and Psychotherapists.

The Hypnotherapy Register.

The Association for Meridian Energy Therapies.

International Reiki Association.

Professional Fellowship and Supervisor with The Hypnotherapy Society (UK).

Professional Fellowship with The Counselling and Psychotherapy Society (UK)

Member of The Past Life Therapists Association

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Zaara @ The Secret Indigo Chair


Whatsapp calling / Messaging : +447915 766 860


Skype: doctorzaara


Known as

Past Life Regression Therapist

Hypno Psychotherapist

CBT Therapist

Intuitive Astrologer

The Work I do in a nutshell

Worldwide Therapy Services for Women from all walks of Life using Telephone Audio , Whatsapp Calling , Zoom and Skype.

Specialism and Expertise

Past Life Regression Therapy

Future Progression Therapy

Age Regression Therapy  

Bespoke Life Hypnotherapy

Virtual Gastric Banding Hypnotherapy

Reading the Spiritual Tarot for Energy , Intentions and Personality Analysis

Birth Chart Analysis for Personality and Life Path

Relationship Analysis studying Two Persons and their Soul energy, Trends and Synastry

What makes me unique?

I utilise the clients birth chart to enhance the therapies. The birth-chart is the client's blueprint of their personality, gifts, and abilities. It can be a revealing mirror to the seeker and my clients always return after a period of time for more guidance as they see the benefits derived from what I offer.

I do not only carry out Current and Past Life Regression Therapies. I can read your Soul Personality from your Astrological birth chart. I can also read your subconscious desires and needs from the Tarot which empower you to make the changes you need on your life path.

I hold a wealth of Therapeutic Work Experiences and Educational Background in Traditional Psychotherapy, Hypnotherapy, Past life Regression, Personality Astrology and Metaphysical Sciences.

I offer a Repertoire of Current Life and Past Life Therapies as well as Astro Tarot Counselling services to women worldwide in the comfort of their own space and home. My services can be life changing for those that are committed to self care and improvement. They do and will make a difference.

I utilise the clients birth chart to enhance the therapies or as a stand alone therapy. The birth-chart is the client's blueprint of their personality, gifts, and abilities.  Exploring the birth chart can be a revealing mirror to the seeker and my clients always return after a period of time for more guidance as they see the benefits derived from this.

My main aim in this role is to reach out to many women globally who seek alternative therapies and advice however who do not have the means to approach a professional in person.  Consequently they are unable to obtain the support which will help empower themselves and improve their lives.

 In order to receive my services all you need is Skype or a phone, an open mind and the dedication to make positive changes to your life.  If you feel I can help you please do get in touch. I will be happy to work with you no matter how complex your issue is. The complexities can be unravelled and presented to you in a simple manner.

Please do not hesitate to contact me today. I look forward to helping you on your journey.

Qualifications and Education

• MA (Postgraduate) Degree Psychoanalysis

• BA Honours (Undergraduate) Degree Psychology

• PGCert Evidence-Based Low Intensity CBT Interventions

• Diploma in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

• Diploma of Distinction in Spiritual Counselling

• Diploma in Past Life Therapy and Hypnotherapy  

• Advanced Diploma in Past Life Therapy and Hypnotherapy  

• Diploma in Virtual Gastric Banding Hypnosis Therapy

• Diploma in Past Life Regression

• Diploma in Past Life Energy Therapy

• Diploma in Past Life Healing

• Diploma in Akashic Records

• Professional Diploma in Life Astrology


• MPLTA (Past Life Therapists Association)

• IANLPC (The International Association of Neuro Linguistic Programming and Coaching )


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Sara Hayselden

Near Clitheroe, Lancashire BB7 9DZ  Map

Tel: 07388 733203


Web Site:

Curious about your previous life or feel you need to uncover something that is causing you an issue in this life?

Sara is an experienced past life regressionist & hypnotherapist. She facilitates her clients to navigate their key lifetimes, whether in the past, present, future or parallel quantum to find insights or unlock the answers they seek.

Sara works face to face and also via Zoom so her clients can experience sessions from the comfort of their own home.

Sara has a comprehensive integrative healing toolbox, gained over many years, which includes Sound Healing, Reiki Healing, Life & Spiritual Coaching, Shamanic Healing and body therapies.


• Diploma Past Life Regression

• Diploma in Advanced Past Life Regression

• Diploma in Future Life Progression

• Diploma in Parallel Quantum Lives

• Diploma in Between Lives, Hypnotherapy Diploma

• Master Hypnotherapist Diploma

• Diploma in Life Coaching. Reiki Master Teacher.

• Certified NLP Practitioner

• Certified Sound Healer


• The Past Life Therapists Association

• Complementary Therapists Accredited Association

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Nicolas Aujula


Please contact me via Website

Exploring past and future lives will transform your life today and help you understand the psychology of the soul. Ever wondered if you've been here before? Had flashbacks or re-occurring dreams? Suffer from unexplainable health problems, phobias or life patterns? Want to release karma? Attract your soul mate? Life changing Past Life Regression Therapy with Master Hypnotist and Soul Healer Nicolas Aujula and regular contributor to the Daily Mail could provide a life changing answer today!


Nicolas Aujula, is an international Past Life Regression Therapist, Soul Healer and Inner Child Therapist that provides an accelerated solution focused approach to facilitate personal insight, life change and soul healing to create a better future today and for life times to come. We often carry forth old dynamics, karmic imprints, traumas and ways of thinking, that Nicolas' empowering sessions can help you overcome unexplainable health problems, fears and phobias, behavioural problems, ways of thinking and relationship patterns. When conventional therapies or other alternative fails, Past Life Regression with Nicolas is often the one ot provide a solution and way forward.

With over 15 years of experience in the field of therapy and spirituality, Nicolas has regressed thousands of people in person and via Skype from around the world with his work being featured in over 200 newspapers globally, he is a unique expert having discovered his own past-lives at age 17 after falling into a trance state that inspired him to pursue the path of enabling others to realise their soul. Also a specialist in Astrology, Hypnotherapy, Hypno-Analysis and Future Life Progression, he offers a holistic approach with compassion, awareness and soulfulness.

Nicolas has gone onto prove sceptics and media wrong when appearing on morning new show 'ITV DAYBREAK' to support the story of client Lisa Palmer who was cured of life-long migraines through Past Life Regression with him. Despite Dr Hillary Jones insistence that the pain would return, she is still migraine free. He has also appeared on ITV THIS MORNING talking about animal reincarnation, BIOGRAPHY CHANNEL 'Our Psychic Family' where he read for 80’s icon Toyah Wilcox and was chosen as UK's leading Regressionist to feature on CHANNEL 4 documentary 'Man Vs Weird'.

- Successful health case-studies for helping migraines, chronic depression, IBS, asthma, body pains etc have appeared in THE SUN, DAILY MAIL, DAILY MIRROR, IRISH EXAMINER. SPIRIT & DESTINY and CHAT MAGAZINE

- Reviewed by leading journalists and editors as featured in DAILY MAIL, SUNDAY EXPRESS, DAILY RECORD, PSYCHOLOGIES and KINDRED SPIRIT

- Resident expert in Hollywood for the BEVERLY HILLS TIMES

- Globally featured in over 200 newspapers around the world with his visionary insights and predictions

- Exploring crime and sexual taboos through Regression featured in DAILY MAIL and VICE.


• Diploma in Curative Hypnotherapy

• Diploma in Hypno-Analysis and Regression

• Diploma in Cognitive Therapy

• Diploma in NLP

• Diploma in Astrology


Towergate Professional Risks


• Past Life Therapists Association

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Justine Coom

Sessions available over Skype, Whatsapp, FaceTime and Zoom.


The Grange  Rue du Pontlietaut   St Clement  Jersey  Map


Telephone:         07700 720214





From early childhood I had re-occurring dreams about a previous life, knowing I had been on this earth before. The fascination continued until I eventually had past life regression at the age of 30. Amazingly I went straight back to the life I had always known had been there.

I now assist other curious clients in finding the missing piece to their puzzle. On a therapeutic level I can also assist clients with unexplained physical issues, psychological issues, phobias and allergies which can stem from past lives.  

Relevant Qualifications


• Diploma in Past Life Regression and Hypnotherapy

• Advanced Diploma in Past Life Regression

• Diploma in Past Life Energy Therapy

• Diploma in Interlife Therapy

• Diploma in Weight Management Therapy

• Diploma in Virtual Hypno Gastric Band Weight Management Therapy

• Diploma in Smoking Cessation Therapy

• Reiki level I





• MPLTA  Member of The Past Life Therapists Association

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Doug Buckingham

The Lee  Great Missenden   Buckinghamshire    HP16 9NA​   Map

Tel: 07979 750291


Web site:

Past Life Regression, Regression Therapy, Interlife Therapy, Clinical Hypnotherapy, Reiki Training, Aura Soma (R)

Regression, whether it is to the earlier part of the current life or to past lives, is a very transformative process and can give us valuable insights into our lives.  It’s not necessarily about who we were or even what we did: the point of past life work is to enable a soul to understand the consequences of previous choices and to know that each individual is ultimately responsible for shaping and creating his or her life in the present. The knowledge we gain can help us overcome obstacles, phobias, fear and habits, resolve relationship issues and much more.


Interlife Therapy or LBL is for those who have experienced regression and are looking for an even more profound experience, LBL is the next step.  LBL enables you to enter memories of the 'in-between-lives' realm where we reside when we are not incarnated. We journey from your last life on Earth, discovering what you have learnt from past lives, what you may be still working on.

Perhaps you've always wanted to know about your life purpose, or how choices were made for the life to come & situation you would be born in to? Why you chose your family, what qualities you chose to bring to support you & the challenges you looked for along the way?

This is an empowering and enriching experience where you can witness and relax into your own immortality, thus increasing your perspective on both life & the Universe

I am an experienced therapist and trainer, having running training courses overseas and in the UK for hypnosis, regression therapy and Interlife Therapy.


• Diploma in Regression Therapy from the Regression Academy

• Certificate in Interlife Therapy from the Regression Academy

• Diploma in Clinical Hypnosis from LCCH

• Practitioner Diploma in Clinical Hypnosis from LCCH

• Usui Reiki Master/Teacher

• Karuna Reiki Master/Teacher

• Lightarian Reiki Teacher

• UK Reiki Federation Master/Teacher Member

• Aura Soma Level 3 Practitioner

• Full Healing Accreditation from the College of Psychic Studies


• Member of the Past Life Therapists  Association

• Member of the Spiritual Regression Therapy Association (SRTA)

• UK Reiki Federation Master/Teacher Member

• Full Member of the British Society of Clinical Hypnotherapists (MBSCH)

• Member of the General Register of Hypnotherapy (GHR)

• Member of the British Institute of Hypnotherapists (BIH)

• Registered with ASIACT (Art and Science International Academy of Colour Technologies)

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Graeme Harvey

Skype and Zoom

67 Kirkfield East, Livingston Village, Livingston. West Lothian. EH54 7BB   Map

Tel:  07748 188278


Web Site:


CenScot Therapies provide a comprehensive range of Hypnotherapy treatments to individual and corporate clients throughout Central Scotland. Treatments available at our treatment centre in Mid Calder, at your office or home. We specialise in Past Life Regression and Stress Management. In conjunction with Stress Management we also offer Indian Head Massage by fully trained staff.


DPLT Diploma in Past Life Therapy

• Certified Hypnotherapist (Tara School of Hypnotherapy)

• Certificates in Indian Head Massage (Me Time Therapies Training)


MPLTA Member of The Past Life Therapists Association

      • MIPTI  Member Independent Professional Therapists International

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Salonee Batavia

West and North-West London: UB6, HA6 , W5 and Hitchin, Hertfordshire  Map

and possibility of home-visits

Tel:  07588 873420



Ever wondered why you are you? If maybe explanations go deeper than nature and nurture? Ever tried to understand and heal a part of your body, character, emotions or behaviour patterns without joy? Are you curious about your soul before you were born?

Love light and welcome. Thank you for visiting my page.

I work with Regression, Past Life Regression and Progression. These accompany consultations before and after.

I was interested in the area of PLRT for many years after having my own experiences. Training with one of my idols and a lead in the field: Dr Brian Weiss  (author of Many Lives and Many Masters), was an honour and life changing experience.

Within sessions I work at the client's pace; they are fully in control of the process. I appreciate the importance of adapting each session to what the client wishes to achieve. The process is kept flexible and fluid, giving the client autonomy on which direction they wish to go.

Within sessions I may combine the use of meditation techniques, angel cards, crystals, essential oils and reiki. (Upon qualifying as a cranial sacral therapist in late July'18 this may also become integrated into my work.)

My strengths within the work are my intuition, warmth, creativity, empathy, authenticity and being fully present with my client on their journey.

I feel fortunate to have worked within the therapeutic, healing and social work field for almost 20 years. This has informed my awareness on the life challenges that people may face. Some of my extensive experience has been working with: criminality, self esteem related factors, young people, emotional / mental health, substance misuse, anger management, childhood abuse, domestic violence and family relationships.      

If you decide to delve deeper into your past lives with me I look forward to journeying with you.


• MindScape (Body Talk accredited, UK)

• Professional Training Course in Past Life Regression Therapy (Weiss Institute, USA)

• Past Life Therapy Training (Omega Institute, USA)

• Reiki 2nd Degree, Usui System of Natural Healing (Tranquility Clinic, UK)

• Reiki 1st Degree, Usui System of Natural Healing (Findhorn Foundation College, UK)

• Practitioners Diploma in Crystal Healing (Gateway, UK)

• Post Graduate Diploma in Counselling (BACP accredited at Thames Valley University, UK)

• BA (HONS) in Social Work with Diploma in Social Work (University of Hertfordshire, UK)

• Enabling the Learning and Assessment of Others in Social Work level 1 and 2 (Brunel University, UK)

• Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology for Complementary Therapies (ITEC, UK)

• TESOL Certificate (The Language House, France)

• Diploma in Cranio-Sacral Therapy (College of Cranio-Sacral Therapy, UK)

• Certificate in Hypnosis (Cara:  The Centre of Transformational Learning, UK)


• MPLTA Member of The Past Life Therapists Association


• Craniosacral Therapy Association

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Naira Nascimento

19   Nassau Street   London    W1W 7AF     Map   

Tel:  07864 881448

Web site:


I'm Naira Nascimento, a hypnotherapist, past life regression therapist, bookworm and meditation and yoga enthusiast.

Past Life Therapy is a form of Hypnotherapy that is used for accessing and reviewing your past lives directly. Discovering Past Lives is a fascinating way to understand who you are as an immortal soul living a human body. It enables you to heal the present through the past and bring you great inner peace as you realise that you have a divine nature that transcends birth and death.

The success of this therapy lies in the fact that the original trauma may have occurred in a prior life. Sometimes even repeated in several lifetimes. During a session, we bring the trauma into awareness by going back to the time when the problem began. When the core reasons are reviewed, experienced and resolved, then complete healing can occur.  

Trained by the World's leading authority on Past Life Regression Therapy Dr Brian Weiss (American psychiatrist, hypnotherapist, and best selling author), Naira Nascimento will safely guide you to uncover and unlock patterns and find answers that can benefits your life today.  

The healing potential of Past Life Regression is fantastic. It can help you be free of unexplained fears and phobias, immune system conditions such as arthritis, ulcers and chronic fatigue, obesity, repeated destructive relationships, physical pains and so on. It is also very effective in treating muscular-skeletal pain, headaches, asthma, allergies that no longer respond to medication.   ​

I am available for sessions in my London Practice or Worldwide via Skype.


• Certified Hypnotherapist

• Past Life Regression Therapist

• Certified Rapid Transformational Therapist

• National Council of Psychotherapists

• General Hypnotherapy Register

• Reiki Master Practitioner


• The Past Life Therapists Association



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Rosemary Plunkett   MCAR  DPLT  DSCT MPLTA

also known as Shi Shan Yuan of the Chinese Buddhist faith.

Founder of : Mycelian Healing

Using profound yet simple self care techniques and medicinal mushroom tinctures and concentrates to reach the core of major diseases and addictions avoiding years of therapy.

The House of Forgiveness

Brooklands  Sale  Map

Text:  07916308942


As well as online sessions, I am able to continue to offer face to face sessions as well.

The House of Forgiveness

Brooklands  Sale  Map

Text:  07916308942


Open Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays

First session 10.00am-11.30am  last session starts 18.30pm- 20.00pm

Fees are £55.00 per hour

With my mentors, we will be designing on-line programmes promoting greater well being for “Self Care” so watch this space!

I believe we have the most amazing adventure ahead for us all, and I hope you wish to join me on this journey!

Self Employed for 50 years
Small Private Holistic for regular clientele.
I welcome new clients for single/regular treatments.

I have experience/special interest in:

(1) Major traumas

(2) Meeting your loved ones in spirit.

(3) Bereavement

(4) Repeated life patterns

(5) Astral travel

I offer my clients the appropriate tools for them to practice regularly to increase their findings from their Past Life Regression.

In my experience I have found it very helpful to my new clients to book a one hour consultation session before the Regression.
The benefits are many:
- aware of working style and surroundings
- peace of mind as to how it will happen.
- achievable expectations.
- more relaxed.
- question time.

Taking this path will release the blocks / locks .....

For you to experience your heart's desire...


- Meet your Guides

- Return to your Homeland

- Rejoin to your hidden Gifts

- Meet your family in Spirit...

- Know your place in the Oneness.....

Then you will know when to book the ' Journey of great adventures'......


Science of Creative Intelligence SCI 1993

TM-Sidhi Meditation 1993

Reiki Healer

Clinical Reflexologist MCAR

Cert Couns. Skills BACP 1996

Hopi Ear Candle Cert.

Diploma Past Life Therapy The Past Life Therapists Association

Diploma in Smoking Cessation Therapy  DSCT

Chinese Daoism Qigong ShiFu

The Path of The Chrone

      • Certificate in Supervision July 2009 from The Manchester Institute of Psychotherapy M.I.P

      •  I have a valid Enhanced Disclosure from The Criminal Records Bureau

      • EFT Level 3

      • Chiron Healing ® Professional Practitioner 2013

      • Australian Bush Flower Therapist

      • December 2018 test module 4 Dog Reflexology

      • June 2020 ..Awareness training into Human Design with Ra Uru Hu /Karen Curry Parker /Karen Flaherty This is on going ......

      • March 2021 Shungite workshop.. on going..

      • November 2021 Bioneers Conference annually..on going

      • February 2023 Started global workshops for students of Human Design ...on going


MPLTA  Member of The Past Life Therapists Association

MCAR  Member of Centre for Clinical Reflexology

• Member of I.A.C.H.I ( International Association of Chiron Healers Inc.)

Fully insured with Royal & Sun Alliance

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Harmony Raphael


Tel: 07897 560073

Web site:



I am here to help you to get to know and heal yourself by revisiting your past/past lives, going into your future/future lives to heal your present and finding out your soul’s purpose by revisiting life between life.


• Diploma in Future Life Progression

•  Diploma in Life Between Life Regression

•  Diploma in Past Life Regression

•  Diploma in Master Hypnotherapist

•  Diploma in Counselling

•  Life Purpose Coach Certification

•  Diploma in Teaching Meditation

•  Diploma in Crystal Healing

•  Reiki Level 2

•  BSc Hons Social Studies

•  Advanced Akashic Records Certification

•  Life Purpose Certification


· MPLTA  Member of The Past Life Therapists Association

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Samantha Rutherford

Earls Street   Thetford   Norfolk   IP24 2AD  Map

Tel: 07881 642222


Web Site:

I am Samantha the founder of HypnoHugs. After working for many years in the corporate world and feeling there was more to life, I had an epiphany… I wanted to get back to what mattered, walk in nature and take in the amazing beauty of this world. Breath deeply, and connect with myself on a higher level. Most importantly I wanted to support others who felt they too needed something more. I am here to help you rebalance life, invest time back in YOU and get back to a sense of calm. Continually developing, I will be adding more holistic vibes to my repertoire… so for now, please come along with me on my journey…


• Counselling Skills Level 2

• Reiki

• Certificate in Hypnosis

• Diploma in Past Life Regression and Therapy

• Diploma in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy


• Membership of the Past Life Therapists Association

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David Graham


Working from home in Kenilworth. Contact for details


Tel: 01926 772215  Mobile: 07854 538495


Web Site:




Past Life Regression uncovers memories of lives you have already experienced. Revisiting these lives can offer healing and insight for the person that you are today. I also offer occasional workshops and courses in Past Life Regression aimed at personal and spiritual development.

Regression Therapy is aimed at the root of your issue wherever that may be. A variety of techniques are offered to help you release and transform energy  blockages that affect you now. These may originate from past lives, the womb or earlier in this life.
Interlife Therapy (Spiritual) Regression explores soul memories between lives. This can offer many profound insights, such as our purpose in choosing our current life, our soul journey and our soul group.

Please CLICK HERE to see David's in-depth research project on Regression Therapy.





• Dip. R.Th. Regression Therapist.  PLRA


• Cert. Interlife Therapy (Spiritual) Regression Therapist PLRA


• M.Dip.Hyp   Master Diploma in Clinical Hypnosis and NLP


• GQHP     The General Qualification in Hypnotherapy Practice awarded by the General Hypnotherapy Standards Council.


• USUI Reiki Master.

• Certificate in Dowsing

• Remote Spirit Release Practitioner IPHM Registered




• EARTh European Association for Regression Therapy


• MPLTA  Member of The Past Life Therapists Association.

• SRTA Member of The Spiritual Regression Therapists Association

• GHR Member of the General Hypnotherapy Register

• IPHM International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine

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Jacqui Jameson

City Road Therapy, 335 City Road, Angel, London, EC1V 1LJ   Map

And Violet Hill Studios, 6 Violet Hill, St Johns Wood, London, NW8 9EB   Map

Plus I work on skype, zoom and WhatsApp.

Tel:  07733 930948


Web site:

Skype: cherrybrulee

Do you want clearer access to your inner wisdom or higher self? Are there questions you would like to know the answers to? Do you need a new way forward with your love life or career? Would you like to strengthen your inner guidance system? Or do you want to learn from any other lives you may have had?

Your present life is the most important of all, and you can learn from any previous incarnations to improve it and live it to the fullest now. I am a down to earth, approachable, intuitive therapist with a spiritual aspect, who aims to help my clients connect with their inner wisdom or higher self, both during and after the session.

Please contact me on 07733 930948 for a free chat. I work in Angel and St John’s Wood.


• Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy: Level Two Dedicated Practitioner

• Cognitive Hypnotherapy: Quest Institute

• NLP practitioner: Quest Institute

• BQH  Beyond Quantum Healing


• The Past Life Therapists Association

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Katie Palmer

Online or in person

 Katie Palmer Wellbeing,  Pigott Road   Wokingham   RG40 1PY  Map

 Tel:  01344 944484  



I have been working with clients to heal trauma and pain for the last 20 years. Using Hypnotherapy, Self-Belief Coaching techniques and Energy Healing, clients experience a profound shift in their mindset and emotional state.  I provide a safe, nurturing space, either online or in-person, to heal your past and discover what's been holding you back so you can step into the future you deserve.

Past Life Regression Therapy helps you to explore your past lives. I believe we have all led many previous lives and that our current life can be affected by our experiences from those past lives. During a past life regression session, I will guide you through a series of breathing and relaxation techniques to induce a trance-like state. Once in this state, I will help you explore these past lives. I have been a hypnotherapist for 15 years and provide a calm, safe, soothing session for you to achieve the trance state.


• Diploma in Holistic Therapies

• Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy

• Diploma in Past Life Regression and Hypnotherapy

• Diploma In Self Belief Coaching

• USUI Reiki Master

• Angelic Reiki Master


• Past Life Therapists Association

• British Complementary Medicine Association

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Maree Deeley


Tigh-Beag  Stirling Street  Blackford   Perthshire   PH41 1QG   Map

Clients worldwide. Offering distance therapy/healing both in and out of UK, Skype, WhatsApp, Facetime, Zoom.

Tel: 01764 682508   Mobile:  07765 776655




Web site:

Clinical Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy, Life Coaching, EFT/MET   Top UK Energist/ Healer  Offering one to one, group sessions and specialising in Past Life Journey. Working with both adults and children.


Maree has been in practice for 27 years now. Dealing with all problems powerfully but sensitively. Maree believes that it is not only the paper qualifications that are important in this life, but the real life experiences. From near death over twenty years ago, she has built an amazing reputation in her field, she has appeared on live television and radio over a number of years. She firmly believes that there is always a solution to a problem, allow her to help you find the way, open up your life and live to your true potential.





LCA Life Coaching Dip. Distinction




Dip. Fitness Health and Nutrition


Management & Marketing


Psychology / Advertising


Freelance writer / Broadcaster Scot FM, BBC, LTV







M.P.L.T.A Member of The Past Life Therapists Association


M.N.S.P.H. Member of Nat. Soc. of Hypnotherapists


N.R.A.H. National Reg. of Advanced Hypnotherapists


M.H.A Member Hypnotherapy Association


N.C.P National Council Psychotherapy


LCA UK's and Europe’s largest coaching academy



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Gayle Barrett

Campbeltown  Argyll

Available for Telephone, WhatsApp and Zoom consultations/sessions

Tel  01586 554796


Web Site:

Gayle works from home and also offers telephone regressions. Please call for details.


• Diploma in Past Life Therapy and Hypnotherapy DPLT

• Diploma in Past Life Energy Therapy

• Diploma in Virtual Hypno Gastric Band and Weight Management

• NLP Practitioner

• Life Coach

• Diploma in Therapeutic counselling



• Member of The Past Life Therapists Association MPLTA

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Patricia Baker   

Morning Dew Holistic Therapies

33a Pack Lane   Oakley  Nr. Basingstoke   Hampshire  RG23 7BE  Map                                                                 

Tel:  01256 782189   Mobile:   0745 6000392

Web Site:



An experienced hypnotherapist, energy healer of over 35 yrs PTSD therapy and Anyone can stop smoking Plus how to deal with depression.

I am a retired Nurse/English Studies Grad. Alongside my various professions, I practised as a Spiritual Healer.

I now specialise in Past Life Regression which can be considered an important tool to extend healing capabilities. Many symptoms of ill-health such as unexplained pain in the physical body or manifestations of phobias or fearfulness within one's mind which defy understanding, could indeed be attributed to an uneasy soul history.

Meditation has played a big part in my life and I am pleased that I am now able to teach it to others who wish to use it as a precursor to health and well being by nurturing the 'knowing' part within us to help fulfil true potential in this life.


• Dip. PLR

• Dip. GM


• MPLTA – Member of Past Life Therapists Association

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Laura Hawkins

Southdown Hypnosis, Wombourne, South Staffordshire, WV5

Tel:  07795 362005


Web Site:

Laura Hawkins is a qualified registered clinical Hypnotherapist and Past Life Regression Therapist. She has excellent rapport, connects with clients naturally and works ethically.

Highly experienced, Laura’s career history includes teaching, arts for health and wellbeing consultancy work for community groups, NHS, educational establishments and private clients.

Laura has a keen interest in holistic therapies and has also studied dream analysis, crystal healing, aromatherapy oils and herbs as medicine.

Laura uses her creativity and intuition to create bespoke client centred therapy sessions to meet your individual needs.  


• Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy

• Advanced Diploma in Past Life Regression Therapy

• Diploma in Past Life Regression  and Hypnotherapy

• Developing Arts for Health & Wellbeing Masters level module - Merit

• Managing Participatory Consultation Masters level module - Merit

• BSY Dream Analysis

• BSY Biochemical Medicine

• OCN Herbalism within the Holistic Concept - Level 3

• OCN Holistic Approach to Human and Plant Anatomy and Physiology - Level 3

• OCN Understanding the Background to Major Developments in the Use of Herbs - Level 3

• Bachelor of Education Honours

• MHFA Mental Health First Aid Certificate

• Crystal Healing Training - pass

• Crystal Masters Day Training Certificate


• The Past Life Therapists Association

• NEU (National Education Union)

• GHR (General Hypnotherapy Registered Practitioner)

• CHNC (Accredited Registered Member)

• ACCPH (Accredited Member)

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Cathy Phillips

Sheffield, various venues

Tel: 07598 382346


Web Site:

Cathy Phillips - Calm Hypnotherapy

Based in Sheffield and use The Practice Rooms or in your home.  Currently mainly use digital platforms such as ZOOM for hypnotherapy sessions around the world, only in English.   

Offer a range of hypnotherapy services, including:

• Weight Management

• Smoking Cessation

• Relaxation, Stress Management & Confidence Building

• Insomnia

• Fears & Phobias

• Habit Management (e.g. Nail Biting, Thumb Sucking etc.)

• Pain Management (e.g. Hayfever, Tinnitus)

• Past Life Regression

• Teaching Self-Hypnosis

Please contact me to discuss how I can help you.

Instagram: @_calmhypnotherapy_



• Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy (including diplomas in weight management and smoking cessation)

• NLP Practitioner

• NLP Coach (pending)

• Bachelor Social Work


• Member Past Life Therapists Association

• General Hypnotherapy Register

• The Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC)

• Central Register of Stop Smoking Therapists

• British Association of Social Workers

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Theresa Borg

Wrenthorpe Road  Bromley  BR1 5QJ   Map

Tel:   07817 217085




Special offer if you mention PLTA

Past Life Regression (2 hr session) normally £200 now just £180- includes free recording

Life Between Lives Regression now  just £300 (up to 4 hours- unused time refunded pro-rata) - includes free recording

Email: or see for more details.

I offer Past Life Therapy, Life Between Lives regression, Clinical Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy, Life Coaching and Spiritual Counselling and Development.

I am a qualified and experienced Clinical Hypnotherapist/Psychotherapist and Life coach. I am registered with the General Hypnotherapy Register as both a practitioner and supervisor to other professionals. I have an enhanced DBS check (March 2015) and am fully insured. I aim to offer a compassionate, caring and professional service.

Past Life Regression

 In my experience many clients wish to experience past life regression etc simply for curiosity's sake. However, some seek answers for their lives today by learning their lessons from the past. In a past life regression, through deep relaxation and letting go of the conscious mind, one can access the awesome power, and recall abilities, of the subconscious mind. It is a completely safe and invigorating experience that can often be quite emotional too. When the therapist is experienced at completing the session, by integrating any information brought forward for the healing of one’s present day issues, it can be a life changing therapy too.

Therefore, not only do I aim to help all of my clients discover and integrate key information that has been gleaned from their regression but I will ensure that they are then able to relate that information to the issues of the present life. In this way, any of the therapies that the client has chosen to experience will be beneficial in both healing the issues of the present and also may lead to a happier future AND a better understanding of themselves.

There are many reasons to want to explore ones past lives, and pure curiosity can be just as good a reason as any other. Whilst this will provide just the same healing potential as a regression that is performed for a specific reason, it is a fact that most regressions are completed because a person is:

• Having vivid dreams or deja-vu experiences  

• Has fears or phobias that have no apparent cause

• Feels stuck in life

• Has a real sense that they should be doing something that they just cannot put their finger on.

• Is looking for ones Souls Purpose

• Is looking to find out a deeper connection with a person or Soul mate

• Want some comfort that they or a loved one that has passed has gone on or that they are part of their soul family reincarnating together at certain times.

Life Between Lives Regression

As well as searching the myriad of past lives in order to bring, help, healing and knowledge into your life today using the power of hypnosis LBL aims to explore the preparations and decisions made in the spirit world that affect our current lives and choices today. Again this in-depth exploration can have immense healing power and help one to establish pathways and goals today. In a Life Between Lives regression one goes back to the spirit realms, accesses the life review and current life planning stages in order to help you find that soul's purpose.

If you feel that there is something calling you to be more, to do something for your fellow beings or that you have a talent that is buried deep within you awaiting release then you are being called to ‘arms’. Either of these therapies may give you access to your higher self or guides that can help you discover the glory of who you really came to be!

Auric Imprint Reading

My aim with this service is to tune into the auric field of the client and to be able to directly access clues to the inner root of any deep and lasting health issues (be those physical or mental). In this way it may become easier to see what the karmic, past life or current day issues are that may be causing or contributing to a feeling of being unable to move forward, being lost or not worthy.This also includes an intuitive past life reading. For more information please see


• Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy DCH

• Diploma in Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy DHP

• General Qualification in Hypnotherapy Practice GQHP

• BA (hons)


• MPLTA  Member of The Past Life Therapists Association

• GHR General Hypnotherapy Register - Accredited Supervisor

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Karin Laing

Tigne Holistic Centre Sliema, Malta

WhatsApp: +356 99547131  

Tel: +356 9954 7131

web sites:    and


Karin Laing: Providing Hypnotherapy and Holistic Healing.

Internationally Certified Transpersonal Hypnotherapist,

Clinical Hypnotherapist,

Past Life Regression Therapist,

Life Between Lives Therapist,

Sound and Energy Healer,

Intuitive Counsellor.

TISPH Practitioner

Based at:

    Tigne Holistic Centre in Sliema, Malta

    L’Għarix Temple Retreat and Sanctuary Clinic in Xaghra, Gozo

    Private Healing Cave in Xaghra, next to Ggantija Temples the oldest known temple on earth.

Karin facilitates custom designed, one day to six day personal healing retreats in Gozo. Incorporating a variety of healing modalities with the focus on Past Life Regression and Life Between Lives as part of the program.

She offers all Healing and Hypnosis sessions including Past Life Regression and Life Between Lives via Skype, Zoom, WhatsApp Video and Facebook Messenger to clients from across the globe.

Karin’s passion is teaching, especially guiding the next generation through her online study portal Therapy online where you can learn to “Live your best life”.



• Certified Life Between Lives® Hypnotherapist, Michael Newton Institute

• Advanced Training in Regressive Hypnotherapy, Holistic Healing Center, NY, USA

• Certified Hypnotherapist, International Association of Counselors and Therapists, (IACT)

• Certified Past Life Regression Therapist, The Past Life Therapists Association, UK (PLTA)

• Regressive Hypnotherapy, Holistic Healing Center, NY, USA

• Parts Therapy, Holistic Healing Center, NY, USA

• Clinical Hypnosis, Holistic Healing Center, NY, USA

• Certified TISPH Practitioner, The International Society of Paediatric Hypnotherapists


• Certified Life Between Lives® Hypnotherapist, Michael Newton Institute

• Certified Hypnotherapist, International Association of Counselors and Therapists (IACT)

• Certified Past Life Regression Therapist, The Past Life Therapists Association, UK (PLTA)

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Helena Ramsay

Kemptown Brighton or on line through Zoom

Tel:  07523 216658


web site:

I am a humanistic counsellor who specialises in the ancient esoteric arts . I am a qualified astrologer and tarot card reader . Astrology clearly points us in the direction of our past life and any unfinished business the soul is carrying . I weave the esoteric arts with past life therapy and emotional processing in order to help the soul complete its unfinished business so it is free to continue its journey and find authentic expression . I have a highly successful you tube channel and work with people from all over the world.


First Class Humanistic Counselling

Past Life Regression Diploma

Emotional Processing Diploma

• Evolutionary Astrologer


• MPLTA (Member of the Past Life Therapists Association)

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Liz Firth BA (hons)  DPLT  DFLP MPLTA

 Hitchin   Hertfordshire   

  Tel:   07984198800   


  Web Site:

Facebook:  Liz Firth Past Life Therapy and Healing

I have worked as a past life regression therapist since 2007 and also specialise in past life readings.  I also work as a clairvoyant and healer; all these aspects often work together whatever service is chosen.  I can give insight and guide you in most aspects of your current life, including where past lives may be affecting you and help heal issues you may have. Through hypnosis past lives can amazingly be accessed in different realms creating greater insight and awareness of the whole self.

I have completed further training, following PLTA training with internationally known regression therapist and author Dolores Cannon. She developed the method over the last 30 years and is now teaching it across the globe. This method brings further insight and healing including speaking with your higher self to answer specific questions and bring clarity to past and present life issues.

Services I offer:

Past Life Regression and Therapy

Future Life Progression and Therapy

Past Life Readings

Healing and Soul Retrieval

Individual phone, Skype and face to face readings

Workshops and Talks


• Level 2 Certificate in Introduction to Counselling Skills

• Diploma in Past Life Therapy

• Diploma in Future Life Progression Therapy


• MPLTA  Member of The Past Life Therapists Association.

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Foszia Turner-Stylianou

36 Longlands Road    Welwyn Garden City    Hertfordshire   AL7 3PZ    Map

Mobile:  07590 846581


web site:

Foszia Turner-Stylianou is a highly-trained Transpersonal Hypnotherapist, Advanced Past Life Regression and Life Between Life Therapist with a thriving practice In Surbiton, Surrey since 2001. She is an accredited practitioner of the powerful and proven 5-PATH® Advanced Hypnotherapy system and is a certified Teacher of 7th Path® Self Hypnosis (August 2006).

Foszia gained her Life Between Life accreditation in 2006 in Bedford, UK under the supervision of Dr Michael Newton and holds a professional diploma from the Institute of Clinical Hypnosis as an Accredited Transpersonal and Therapeutic Practitioner (June 2003)


•  Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy (Institute of Clinical Hypnosis July 2001)

• Advanced Diploma in Clinical Hypnosis and Psychotherapy (ICH Dec 2001)

• Diploma in Advanced Past Life Regression (ICH Feb 2002)

• Professional Diploma in Transpersonal and Therapeutic Practice (ICH June 2003)

• Advanced Practitioner of Emotrance (Sidereus Foundation Nov 2003)

• Tinnitus & Chronic Illness Specialist (Minnesota Institute of Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy June 2005)

• Certified HypnoBirthing Fertility Therapist (HypnoBirthing Institute Oct 2005)

• Theta Healing Practitioner and Instructor (Nature's Path Nov 2005)

• OCD and Anxiety Disorders Specialist (Minnesota Institute 2005)

• Certificate in Ego State Therapy for OCD, Addictions & Abuse (Gordon Emmerson 2008)

• Diploma in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (David Kato Oct 2008)


• The Past Life Therapists Association

• The Michael Newton Institute

• National Guild of Hypnotists (USA)

• Accredited Member of The Association for Professional Hypnosis and Psychotherapy

• General Hypnotherapy Register (GHR)

• Charter Member of 5-PATH Association

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Tina Hill

Collier Row, Romford, Essex   Map

Tel: 07931 363275  


Web site:

Tina is a Past Life Therapist and a Member of the Past Life Therapists Association also offering Smoking Cessation, Weight Management and Past Life Energy Therapies..

She is a Reiki/Seichem and Egyptian Cartouche Master/Teacher, having qualified in Usui, she then went on to work with Seichem energies.

She also offers Weight Management, Sports Nutrition and Targeted Nutrition through Free Wellness Evaluations and Personal coaching as well Facials, Luxury Facials and Natural Lift Facials.

In addition she also offers Seated Chair Acupressure and Indian Head Massages.

She can also help you focus and clear your mind through Guided Meditation, and teaches Meditation and Spiritual Development Courses.


• Adv. Diploma in Past List Regression and Hypnotherapy

• Diploma in Past Life Energy Therapy

• Diploma in Smoking Cessation Therapy

• Diploma in Weight Management Therapy

• Herbalife Wellness Coach

• Diploma in Nutrition

• Diploma in Sports & Exercise Nutrition

• Diploma in Personal Training

• Master Herbalist Diploma

• Usui Reiki Master/Teacher

• Seichem Reiki Master/Teacher

• Diploma in Crystal Healing

• Egyptian Cartouche Mastery

• Master Teacher In Magnified Healing®

• Spiritual Awareness & Self Development

• Meditation Certificate

• Diploma Indian Head Massage

• Diploma in Seated Accupressure Massage

• Diploma in Natural Lift Facial

• Certificate in Luxury Facials


     • MPLTA Member of the Past Life Therapists Association

     • MIPTI (Member of Independent Professional Therapists International),

     • RASA (Reiki and Seichem Association), SWA (Spiritual Workers Association)

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Julie Murray


Tel: 07773 502399


Web Site:

Past Life Regression has always held a deep fascination for me and I am delighted to offer this service to others.  This sits well with my hypnotherapy skills, so whether you are curious about who you were in previous lives, or feel you wish to discover why something is causing you a problem in this life, this may help.

Let me enlighten you in a warm and safe environment.

This service is of course confidential.  All enquiries welcome.


• Diploma in Past Life Regression and Hypnotherapy

• Diploma in Hypnotherapy

• Reiki Master Practitioner


• MPLTA Member of The Past Life Therapists Association

• MBAThH  Member of the British Association of Therapeutical Hypnotists

• UK Reiki Federation

• General Health and social Care Council

• Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council

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Laura Anne Whitworth


Walton, Chesterfield, S40 3RE  Map

Tel: 07950 619924


Video calls available via Zoom

Trained in Quantum Healing Hypnosis which is the Technique of the late Dolores Cannon. Quantum Healing Hypnosis takes you on a journey through Past Lives lived in order to provide clarity, help and healing in this life. You will have a 2 hour ‘life interview’ with me at the start of your session where we discuss everything that has happened in your life that has had an effect on you.  When you are ready, we will then go into the Hypnotherapy session itself which will last up to 2 hours. We will view up to 3 past/parallel or future lives and then bring the Higher Self through for you to have the opportunity to ask your Higher Self any questions that you have. 4 hour sessions with me cost £120 and are available at 6 Raneld Mount, Walton, Chesterfield, S40 3RE.


• QHHT Level 2



• MPLTA  -   Member of The Past Life Therapists Association.

      • Quantum Healing Official and Beyond Quantum Healing

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Tel: 07 62 37 20 70


Web Site:

Hypnosis session on face to face or by skype

Problems I could help with:

-stress management,

- relieve anxiety,

- dealing with phobias,

- helping to quit smoking,

- weight loss,

- regression sessions to help you dealing with past traumas,

- lack of self - confidence,

- cleanse of your chakras

Skype sessions are as efficient as face to face sessions.

" L'hypnose et les techniques que je pratique sont des moyens efficaces pour régler toutes sortes de problèmes (manque de confiance en soi, phobies...) afin de vous permettre de passer à une autre étape de votre vie et ressentir un mieux - être.

"L'hypnothérapie est un moyen efficace pour régler toutes sortes de problèmes plus ou moins graves (manque de confiance en soi, phobies, maladies psychosomatiques, cancer ...) et ressentir un mieux-être.

Je suis basé à Lille et je propose également des cours de coaching et de PNL.


• American Alliance of Hypnotists Certified Past Life Regression Hypnotist

• American Alliance of Hypnotist Certified Advanced Past Life Regression Hypnotist

• American Alliance of Hypnotists Certified hypnotist

• American Alliance of Hypnotists Certified Advanced hypnotist

• American Alliance of Hypnotist Certified Basic Ericksonian Hypnotist

• American Alliance of Hypnotist Certified Advanced Ericksonian Hypnotist

• International NLP Certificat de Praticien en Hypnose

• American Union of NLP NLP Practitioner

• American Union of NLP NLP Master Practitioner

• American Union of NLP NLP Trainer


• The Past Life Therapists Association

• American Union of NLP

• American Alliance of Hypnotists

• International Hypnosis Association

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Paula Fenn

Available on Zoom

Transitional Space Psychotherapy & Counselling  The Old Red Lion

19 High Street  Rode  Somerset  BA11 6NZ  Map

Telephone: 07540326049


Past Life Regression can be a life changing process which facilitates a greater understanding of current obstacles and challenges in ones current experience. Becoming aware of previous patterns and experiences in previous lives which resonate in parallel with present difficulties not only opens the mind to a new level of understanding but can generate transformation and healing.

Paula is a Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist in private practice where she integrates psychotherapy, energy healing and past life regression. She is also a lecturer for a healing institute where her classes focus on the fusion of spirituality, energy healing and psychotherapy.


• Diploma in Past Life Regression

• Diploma in Regression Therapy (PLRA)

• Certificate in Hypnosis

• Masters in Counselling

• Graduate Diploma in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy

• Diploma in Psychoanalytic psychotherapy

• Certificate in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, B.A (Honours)

• Diploma in Full Spectrum Healing

• Diploma in Regression Therapy

• Diploma in Advanced Crystal Therapy


• Member  of the Past Life Therapists Association

• Accredited Member of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy

• Member of the Relational School

• Member of the Guild of Pastoral Psychology

• Member of The Spiritual Regression Therapy Association

• Certified Member of the EARTH Association for Regression Therapy

• Member of the BACP Association for Independent Practitioners

• Member of the BACP Spirituality Division

• Member of the BACP Coaching Division

• Member of the Spirit Release Forum

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Lynda Martin

29 St Austins Drive, Carlton, Nottingham NG4 3EY   Map

Tel: 0115 9539217   Mobile: 07723 317195

Web site:


Reiki Therapy  and Training (Reiki Master (2005), Clinical Hypnosis, Hypno-coaching,  Past Life Regression Meditation, Energy Therapy, Spiritual Energy Therapy, Ear Candling, Crystal Healing, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)..


• 2018 Diploma in Past Life Therapy - PLTA

• 2023 QHHT Practitioner Level One - Quantum Healing Hypnosis Academy

• GHR 2004 (innervisions)

• EFT 2014 (innervisions)

• Reiki Master Teacher 2005

• Reiki One 2002

• Reiki Two 2004


• MPLTA  Member of The Past Life Therapists Association

• General Hypnotherapy Register

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Stephen Towill

17 Gilbertfield Road    Cambuslang   Glasgow   G72 8XB   Map

Tel: 01416420741   Mobile: 07843 687966

Web site:


Past Life Regression

Are you looking to explore past lives through curiosity? Or feel you may have a long association with others in your current life? Or maybe feel that you may be experiencing issues in your current life, that you feel could be linked to a past life, issues which you wish to resolve?

If so, then contact me to book a session to explore this fascinating therapy.

If you would like to read more about past life regression, click on the following link:-

 Between Lives

Should you wish to go beyond the past life experience to the next stage, I also offer between lives hypnosis sessions. This process takes you to the between life state, where you exist as a soul or conscious non physical being.

Through this process, you may meet your guides or other ascended beings that can help you with gaining more understanding around your current life purpose, life events and give you help with your life path. It can also provide understanding around past lives and the life lessons we gained from them.

Between lives hypnosis, which also goes by other related names such as Interlife Therapy, Spiritual regression, spiritual hypnosis and various other terms, offers great insight into our existence and our spiritual being.

If you would like to read more about Between Lives hypnosis, click on the following link:-

About Me

I have been extremely passionate about this subject since 1991 (aged 17) when I first learn hypnosis and conducted my first past life regression session. I have built up a wealth of experiences in this field over the years and still remain fascinated by the experiences and results that come up when working with people.

 I also work as a fully qualified Hypnotherapist (qualified to diploma level which is accredited by the General Hypnotherapy Register) and deal with many issues of the mind, from anxiety and confidence issues to fears and phobias. I approach everything from a grounded and balanced perspective, blending clinical hypnotherapy with a more alternative approach when appropriate.  

If you would like to arrange a session, contact me and we can work together to explore and uncover that deeper side to your mind.


• Certificate in Hypnosis through Cara (The Centre of Transformational Learning)

• Diploma in Analytical Hypnotherapy with (The Academy of Integrated Hypnotherapy)

• Kinetic Shift Practitioner (UK Hypnotherapy Academy)


• MPLTA  Member of The Past Life Therapists Association.

• GHR General Hypnotherapy Register

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Gavin Bowtell

12 Baywood Square   Chigwell   Essex   IG7 4AX  Map

Tel: 020 8172 0060   Mobile: 07918 468 886


Web Site:

Here is a review from one of my clients:

"I have recently undergone past life regression hypnotherapy with Gavin and I highly recommend his expertise and manner.  The offering is most comprehensive, encompassing not only the appointment itself but both the introductory conversation and post-session notes.  Having no experience but plenty of interest in the field of past life regression and also the practice of hypnotherapy, I found Gavin receptive to my questions and happy to explore the topics arising therefrom over the introductory Zoom call and then email correspondence afterwards.  Gavin also offers beforehand a self-hypnosis recording to help the client prepare for the session and become familiar with the manner and method.  Quite aside from the preparatory value, I have found this recording most useful for relaxation purposes and for getting to sleep at night.

The session itself was fascinating from an experiential perspective, and illuminating in the long run.  Gavin unobtrusively guided me through the hypnosis, carefully avoiding any suggestive plants.  I fell into the deepest relaxation of my life!  Of course, I will not go into the details of my own experience as each person’s will differ, but it is quite honestly unlike anything I’ve ever experienced and something that I would encourage for anyone simply looking for introspection, let alone those minded towards the wider possibilities of PLR.

Gavin afterwards provided the session’s recording and the notes he took during it so that I could study them in my own time.  He was again happy to respond to my questions and comments to help reach a greater level of appreciation for the experience and an understanding as to what it might mean.  Overall, alongside the memorable experience of the session itself, I have throughout found Gavin to be informatively open-minded on the subject of PLR and willing to discuss a range of possible contributors to what is experienced whilst under PLR hypnotherapy."


• Diploma in Past Life Regression and Therapy

• Advanced Diploma in Past Life Regression and Therapy

• Certified OldPain2Go Practitioner

• Certified Integral Eye Movement Therapy (IEMT) Practitioner.

• Certified Slim via Hypnosis Practitioner

• Advanced BWRT® Practitioner.

• Emotional Freedom Technique Practitioner

• Level 3 Practitioner in WSN Transformational Coaching & Counselling.

• Acknowledge Supervisor with GHR

• Ageing Unplugged The Essex Institute of Clinical Hypnosis.

• Blueprint – Content Free Hypnotherapy with Central Training UK

• BroadBand for Brains from The Essex Institute of Clinical Hypnosis

• BWRT® Level 1 (General Psychopathology) with Institute of BrainWorking Recursive Therapy*BWRT® Level 2 (Psychology of Identity & Behaviour) with • • Institute of BrainWorking Recursive Therapy*

• BWRT Abolishing Anxiety with Institute of BrainWorking Recursive Therapy*  

• BWRT® Defusing Depression with Institute of BrainWorking Recursive Therapy*  

• BWRT® Deep Mind Protocol with Institute of BrainWorking Recursive Therapy*

• BWRT® Transformational Coaching with Institute of BrainWorking Recursive Therapy*

• BWRT® Disarming Destructive Anger with Institute of BrainWorking Recursive Therapy

• Conscious Analytical Therapy from The Essex Institute of Clinical Hypnosis

• Diploma in Hypnotherapy and NLP from New Steps School of Hypnotherapy

• Emotional Freedom Technique from UK Hypnosis Academy

• Hypnotherapy Practitioner Diploma from NCH and NCFE

• Hypnotension Certified Practitioner

• International Advanced Diploma from The Essex Institute of Clinical Hypnosis

• OldPain2Go

• Smashing Depression from The Essex Institute of Clinical Hypnosis

• Specialist in Psychosexual Dysfunction from The Essex Institute of Clinical Hypnosis registered here

• Slim via Hypnosis Practitioner from TranceFormers

• EFT/TFT Practitioner from The Priority Academy

• WSN Counselling & Coaching Level 3 Practitioner from The Essex Institute of Clinical Hypnosis.

• Reiki Master Teacher


• Membership of the Past Life Therapists Association

• Accredited by National Council for Hypnotherapy

• Member of the National Council for Psychotherapists

• Registered with  General Hypnotherapy Register

• Registered Practitioner with General Hypnotherapy Standards Council

• Practitioner Member of the UK Reiki Federation

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Schiehallion   6 Manor Court    Horsington   Templecombe   Somerset   BA8 0ET   Map

Tel:  01963 371 695   Mobile: 07973 346 747


web site:

Niki Cassar is a highly-trained and experienced Hypnotherapist and Past Life Regressionist.  She originally trained with world-renowned authors and teachers Dr Brian Weiss and Dolores Cannon in the early 2000s, and now confidently combines Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) with the past life regression teachings of Brian Weiss, whilst also working intuitively with her individual clients to help them achieve their life goals.


Niki now works mostly via Zoom, with clients from many parts of the world who are all delighted to find how easy it is to do hypnosis online from the safety and comfort of their own home!  She is also available for face-to-face appointments in her peaceful Somerset home. Sessions run for between 2 and 4 hours, sometimes divided into two parts if the client has never experienced hypnosis previously.  

For further information on sessions, please visit  

To book a free 30 minute Zoom chat, email her at or call 07973 346 747.


• Certificate from Weiss Institute for Past Life Training

• Certificate from Dolores Cannon for Quantum Healing Hypnosis

• Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy

• Diploma in Hypnotherapy and Psychology

• Diploma in Advanced Past Life Regression

• Diploma in Hypnobirthing

• Diploma in Advanced Hypnotherapy (5-PATH)

• Diploma as Teacher of 7th Path Self-Hypnosis

• Certificate for Paediatric Hypnosis

• Certificate for Emotional Freedom Technique and Nutrition

• Certificate for EMDR

• Certificate for Ego State Therapy


• The Past Life Therapists Association

• The Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council

• The General Hypnotherapy Register

• The Association of Professional Hypnosis and Psychotherapy (Accredited Member)

• 5-PATH® International Association of Hypnosis Professionals (Charter Member)

• Dolores Cannon Dedicated Practitioner Community

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Lyn-Marie Whiteman

 Charmouth/Axminster/Bridport areas

Tel:  +44 7780 705684



Past Life Therapy, and work with training/facilitation in Relaxation with Neutral Space Relaxation.

My main work is focused on QHHT, and as an Advanced Practitioner of Level 2, I have worked with Dolores Cannon's techniques since qualifying in 2004, and took the Advanced level 2 with her in Oxford in 2010.  Most of the Clients I work with have questions around this lifetime, and are searching for answers to something that has been puzzling for them.  Writing a page of A4 with questions, and session taking around 4+ hours. Clients are welcome to a 15 min free Consultation prior to a booking taking place.


• Dip Hyp European College of Hypnotherapy 2002

 • Dip Hyp QHHT Levels 1 and 2 Dolores Cannon Technique, 2004 & 2010

 • Dip Fine Art Painting and Drawing (1989) & Tutor

 • Accredited Life Coach (2003)

 • Registered Polarity Practitioner (2003) RPP

 • Neutral Space Relaxation Facilitator/Practitioner (2012)


• Member of UKPTA, Member of the Quantum Healing Practitioners Forum

• MPLTA Member of the Past Life Therapists Association

• The Relaxation Academy

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Debbie Eggerton

Eccleshall Staffordshire ST216AH   Map


Tel:  07716 578840



Sessions on Zoom.

I am a Registered Hypnotherapist and Regression Therapist working online and in person. Located in the small town of Eccleshall, Stafford, Staffordshire, a 10 minute drive from the M6 junction 14. Easy access from the nearby areas of Shropshire, Derbyshire, Cheshire and the West Midlands.  

Clients have a wide range of reasons for exploring past lives. Many are looking for answers that may relate to unexplained events in their current lives, others are simply curious and some believe it part of their spiritual quest. No matter what your reasons, people always gain exactly what is required for their highest good. Regardless of your belief systems, Past Life Regression can be a fascinating and insightful experience. When used as part if a therapeutic programme, it also has the potential to bring about healing and transformation.

Interlife or LBL, takes us deeper into the regression experience.  An opportunity to remind ourselves of our souls nature, meet guides, loved ones, and other wise beings. Exploring your unique lessons, life purpose and other questions you may have. Helping find deeper understanding of all aspects of our lives and the souls journey. Considered the "next step" for those passionate about regression.

I also provide hypnotherapy, hypnotherapy development programmes, inner child healing, ancestral healing, past or current life regression, reiki and meditation. Please go to my website for further information about "Therapies for Wellbeing and Solutions for Change”.

I offer a free, no obligation, telephone consultation prior to booking. Complimentary email support is included with all therapies.

Please contact me directly if you have any questions or wish to discuss further.

I look forward to hearing from you very soon …


• Diploma in Transformation Regression Therapy

• Intermediate Hypnosis Training Certificate

• Certificate of Interlife Regression Therapy

• Certificate in Hypnosis.

• Usui Reiki level 1&2


• Member of the Past Life Therapists Association (PLTA)

• Member of the the General Hypnotherapy Register (GHR)

• Member of the Complimentary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC)

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Monique Glover

Nova Scotia, Canada + Online

Tel: 902.718.9645

Web site:



As a Hypnotherapist and Regression Therapist, Monique supports her clients in deep healing and transformation, by helping them find and release the emotional root causes of their issues, and allowing them to move freely into the future.

Some of the reasons clients may be interested in working with Monique are:

Resolving limiting beliefs, lack of confidence, unwanted habits, negative reactions and behaviours.

Anxiety, phobias, panic attacks, depression, PTSD, OCD, relationship issues, sexual issues, addictions, nail biting, physical illness, skin problems, allergies, weight issues.

Personal development, healing and spiritual exploration.

Interest based past life exploration.


• Certificate in Clinical Hypnosis from the University of Toronto

• Diploma in Past Life Therapy from The Past Life Therapists Association

• Certificate in Past Life Regression + Regression Therapy from Lionheart Training


• MPLTA  Member of The Past Life Therapists Association

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Theresa McMordie

Calne, Wiltshire

Tel:  07901 978656


Web Site:

Having trained in Sight Loss Rehabilitation, Hypnotherapy, Regressions Therapy, Angelic Reiki, as well as Spirit Release, I have a variety of tools to help overcome a wide range of life challenges. I have found first-hand how powerful and life changing Regression Therapy can be. The empowerment and physical, emotional and mental freedom I experienced, continues to inspire me to want to support others to feel the same.


• BSc Habilitation Work – Foundation and Primary Stages (Visual Impairment)

• Fds Rehabilitation Work (Visual Impairment)

• Ct Hyp – Certificate in Hypnosis

• Dip RTh – Diploma in Regression Therapy

• Angelic Reiki Master Teacher

• Advanced Spirit Release, Space Clearance and Spiritual Emergency Training


• The Past Life Therapists Association

• Earth Association for Regression Therapy and Complimentary Therapists Association

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Florian Andrei DPLT (Speaks Romanian and English)

Sessions online on Skype

Tel:    +447832838435


Web Site:

Have you ever felt there’s more to life than meets the eye? That there’s a reason why you are here?

These questions and many, many more can be answered in a past life regression therapy session. You’ll be able to find the source of current blocks and difficulties, inexplicable pains, fears and phobias, relationship issues, addiction or insecurity.

• How I can help:

• Eliminating energetic implants and contracts with non-beneficial entiti

• Clearing financial, relational or health blockages;

• Soul retrieval;

• Breaking the cycle of Karma;

• Energy clearing of the astral bodies.

• Integration of energies.


• Diploma in Hypnotherapy and Past Life Regression

•Diploma in Hypnotherapy Advanced in Past Life Regression and other therapist energetics


• Member Past Life Therapists Association

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Louise Page

Practice is online only using Whatsapp.

Clinical Hypnotherapist, PLR Therapist, NLP Therapist and Mind Coach


Web Site:

So, what would you like to do?

Maybe you’d like to find out more about the concept of previous lives / reincarnation?

Perhaps you’re curious to find out who you may have been before.

I wonder if you’d like to use past life regression to help you change current habits and beliefs that are not helping you and don’t to seem to fit into your present life.

Are you attracted to certain places/times in history - perhaps you would like to explore this more?

Whatever your reasons and interests in PLR, you’re very welcome to call me for a chat and find out how we can work together.

Each appointment is 90 minutes long, the fee being £69.

More information

"The best part of what I do is helping my clients find and change what they’d like to - many have had unhelpful beliefs and habits for many years, and helping them rearrange new beliefs and habits, helping them towards a new and better way of being.

My interest with PLR was gained when I was training as a Clinical Hypnotherapist, which included reading Dr Brian Weiss’ informative and enjoyable books.  I’ve experienced and used PLR myself.  

I wouldn’t recommend something unless I’m happy and satisfied with it – I’ve have experienced past life regression sessions myself and have also used PLR with my own clients.  They have reported that they gained positive benefits from their sessions, as have I."


• Diploma in Clinical Hypnosis and Mind Coaching
• Diploma in Past Life Therapy

• Diploma in Past Life Energy Therapy                                                                                   

• Diploma Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)


• GHR - General Hypnotherapy Register

• The Past Life Therapists Association

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Karen Perfett

Torquay, Devon

Telephone: +441803445239     Mobile: +447780336467


Web site:

I specialise in past life regression therapy, helping clients find relief from unexplained chronic pain, Fears, and Phobias.

Many clients choose past-life therapy out of curiosity and leave with a fascinating insight into their current life situations and choices through their experience of a past life.

Sessions are available both in person and via Zoom. For full details please visit my website.


• Diploma in Past Life Therapy

• Age & Past life regression Training

• Diploma in Hypnotherapy

• Reiki Master/Teacher

• Mindfulness Teacher Certification


• The Past Life Therapists Association

• Hypnotic World

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Sarah Shaw


I offer 1-1 in-person sessions in Perth and online sessions worldwide.



Web site:

A certified Advanced Hypnotherapist working solely in the field of Quantum Regression, specialising in Past Life Regression Therapy and Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT®).

At SOURCE Healing Hypnosis, I guide clients through deep transformational journeys of self-discovery, assisting them to reconnect to their inner guide which brings them clarity and healing.

I'm privileged to bear witness to the profound insights, healing, and release clients receive in their sessions, and feel honoured to play a part in empowering them to remember who they are, and discover that the source of all their healing and wisdom resides within.



• Advanced Hypnotherapist (Power2Change Hypnotherapy Centre, UK)

• NLP Practitioner (Power2Change Hypnotherapy Centre, UK)

• Past Life Regression Therapist (The Past Life Therapists Association, UK)

• QHHT® Practitioner, Level 2 (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Academy, USA)

• Featherstone Energy Healing Practitioner, Level 2 (Edinburgh Shamanic Centre, UK)

• Shamanic Practitioner, Foundation Level (Edinburgh Shamanic Centre, UK)






• General Hypnotherapy Register (GHR)

• General Hypnotherapy Standards Council (GHSC)

• The National Hypnotherapy Society

• Past Life Therapists Association (PLTA)

• Quantum Healing Hypnosis Academy, USA

• People's Health Alliance (PHA)

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Lynn Bradbury

Burton Road, Ashby de la Zouch, Leicestershire, LE65 2LF   Map

Telephone: 07971 426339


I am a qualified clinical hypnotherapist specialising in past life regression.

I feel that it is a privilege to be able to help others return to past lives whether it’s purely for interests’ sake or for another reason – maybe to find a person with whom you have an affinity with in this life and find where you have met before or to help resolve an issue that has carried over into this life or as part of your own spiritual journey.

I am always happy to have a chat so please feel free to contact me to discuss an appointment or just to ask some questions if you are not sure whether Past Life Regression is for you or not.

I work on zoom (yes, it is possible, and it works very well) or in person in Ashby de la Zouch, Leicestershire.


• Diploma in Past Life Therapy

• Diploma in Clinical Hypnosis


• The Past Life Therapists Association

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Debbie Waller

2A Assembly St    Normanton     WF6 2DB   Map

Tel: 01977 678593


Web Site:

My name is Debbie Waller. I’m an experienced therapist with a real interest in people and a strong drive to help them make their lives better.

I have over twenty years of experience in offering past life regression and hypnotherapy. You can undertake a regression with me in the following ways:

- a one-off experience, perhaps out of curiosity,

- a series of sessions exploring multiple past lives,

- as part of therapy, especially if you feel your phobia, anxiety or other issue has been carried from a previous life.

Dr. James Paul Pandarakalam said, “PLR can be beneficial for personal development” and that “the therapeutic value of PLR is no different from that of other forms of psychotherapy”. Whichever way you approach it, the experience often highlights messages or themes that benefit you emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually or improve your well-being.

Sessions are held in my office in Normanton (WF6) or on Zoom.


• BA (Hons), First Class, in Humanities and Social Studies (Psych/Lit), Leeds Metropolitan University

• Advanced Diploma in Hypnotherapy from Sunnycoast Hypnotherapy Training

• Senior Qualification in Hypnotherapy Practice, from the General Hypnotherapy Standards Council

• Certified Professional Hypnotherapist, International Certification Board of Clinical Hypnotherapists (USA)

• Advanced Diploma of Professional Stress Management, at Distinction level, from the College of Integrated Therapies

• Hypnotherapy Diploma from Wakefield School of Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy

• Certificate in Neuro-Linguistic Programming from Wakefield School of Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy

• Certificate in Assertiveness Training from the College of Integrated Therapies

• Corporate Stress Consultant from the Mindcare Organisation, UK

• Hypnotension Practitioner from Britefame Ltd

• Diploma in Smoking Cessation Therapy from the College of Integrated Therapies

• Anxiety Specialist, UK Academy of Therapeutic Arts and Sciences

• Certificate in IBS treatment by Gut-Oriented Metaphor

• Diploma in Anger Management at Distinction level, from the College of Integrated Therapies

• Blast Technique, EMDR, PTSD & Trauma Certificate, from Warwickshire School of Hypnotherapy

• EMDR Therapy Training Certification For Trauma & PTSD from Magine Solutions

• Train the Trainer (IML endorsed) from Activia

• Certified Therapy Teacher Diploma from Gladden Therapy Training

• International Board of Certified Trainers accreditation

• Essential Supervision Skills (BPS approved) from SDS Training


• Member Past Life Therapists Association

• GHR (Advanced Practitioner)

• ACCPH (Fellow)

• APHOP (Accredited)

• International Certification Board of Clinical Hypnotherapy

and others, please see the website.

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Jolanta Kartasova Deneux

Riga, Latvia and Worldwide Online

Tel: +33768442043


web site:

Hello, I'm Jolanta Kartašova Deneux!

I'm a  fully accredited hypnotherapist with Diploma in Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy from The UK College of Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy, and an experienced regressionist in the PLR field.  I believe that we can use both spiritual AND clinical hypnotherapies to gain insights and a deeper understanding  on WHY things are the way they are on a bigger scale and WHAT we can actually do to change them.

My values are finding joy in simple things in everyday life and showing gratitude, honesty, humour, and kindness.

I have always been fascinated by the power of emotions, the mechanisms of the human brain and the ripple effect of our thoughts on our behaviour and feelings.  We shape our world based on our beliefs and ability to cope with stress and emotions. That's why our reactions to difficult situations depend on the meaning we give to these events and experiences. As the famous philosopher Captain Jack Sparrow said: " The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."

I also value my training in PLR and hypnosis. Having had over 150 clients from all over the world and witnessing their powerful transformations, I can't deny the benefits of Spiritual hypnotherapy, even though it contradicts the principles of clinical hypnotherapy that I practice. However, I like to separate these two approaches for that very reason. They are both effective, each in its own way.

Working with me is a collaborative work. My focus is to guide you in becoming self-sufficient in managing your well-being, becoming  your own therapist, so to speak. And I promise you that it’s going to be worth it. I strive to create an atmosphere of self-discovery, encouraging open-mindless, non-judgment, curiosity and willingness to learn. Besides supporting you in overcoming your struggles, I am here to help you understand yourself better and develop the skills you need to live your life the way you want. Furthermore, I focus on building a solid therapeutic relationship with my clients, as trust and connection are key components in successful treatment.

I provide therapy services to Latvian and English-speaking clients, currently online.


• Certificate in Past Life Regression, Trained by Daniel Marshan

• Diploma in Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy (Level 4) with The UK College of Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy, London, accredited by The British   Psychological Society & NCFE

• CPD Certificate in CBT for Depression

• CPD Certificate in CBT for Perfectionism

• Certificate in Advanced Past Life Regression, accredited at CPD Level 5 by the ACCPH, and accredited as a Diploma course by the Past Life   Therapists Association


• The Past Life Therapists Association

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Leena de Silva

East Herts  Esses and London

Mobile:  07984 665331


web site:


•  Hypnotherapy & Past Life Regression Therapy with PLTA


• The Past Life Therapists Association

      • Lucia No3 Academy

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Please click on a therapist for more information:

Andrew Hillsdon

Doug Buckingham

Dr. Michael G. Millett

Graeme Harvey

Sara Hayselden

Nicolas Aujula

Harmony Raphael

Samantha Rutherford

Jacqui Jameson

Maree Deeley

Patricia Baker

Lyn-Marie Whiteman

Louise Page

Justine Coom

Rosemary Plunkett

Zaara@The Secret Indigo Chair

Salonee Batavia

David Graham

Katie Palmer

Gayle Barrett

Laura Hawkins

Cathy Phillips

Stephen Towill

Leena De Silva

Gavin Bowtell

Helena Ramsay

Foszia Turner-Stylianou

Tina Hill

Karin Laing

Liz Firth

Niki Cassar

Karen Perfett

Lynn Bradbury

Debbie Waller

Jolanta Kartašova Deneux (English and Latvian)

Sarah Shaw

Florian Andrei

Laura Anne Whitworth

Theresa Borg


Lynda Martin

Julie Murray

Paula Fenn

Debbie Eggerton

Monique Glover (Canada)

Theresa McMordie