The Past Life Therapists Association


The Past Life Therapists Association


Past Life Regression and Hypnotherapy Foundation Course

Lesson One


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Past Life Regression


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Past Life Regression


Past Life Regression



Dictionary definition: Regression: a return to an earlier stage of development.


It is best to begin with a full understanding of what Past Life Regression actually is because you will find that once in business, not everybody has the same idea.


As far as this course is concerned Past Life Regression is a technique used to take a person back through time using hypnosis, so far back in time that the memories of previous lifetimes are rediscovered and explored.


We will learn much more about hypnosis in later lessons but I feel it is necessary to explain some of the basics now. First and foremost it is a relaxation technique. By using a soft gentle voice and visualisation techniques in the client’s imagination you create a state of mind similar to a deep daydream, like the feeling you get as you are just starting to drift off to sleep. This is a perfectly natural state of mind and is very easy to do.


There are many myths and misconceptions about what actually happens and these have been further confused by ‘stage hypnotism’ (that is the only context in which I will use the word ‘hypnotism’ in this course. You are becoming a professional and are not involved in ‘isms’.)


Anyone can be hypnotised as it is merely a ‘focusing of the mind’. We are in hypnosis every day in one form or another as you are right now because you are ‘focused on what you are reading here. As I have said, much more about this later. Please be patient as all will be revealed.


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Where Do We Find These Memories?


The Subconscious


From a Hypnotherapist’s perspective these past life memories are held in the great storehouse of the mind known as the subconscious. This will be discussed at length in later lessons.



The Akashic Records


If you have a more spiritual background, you may be more comfortable with the concept of Akashic records.


The word Akasha comes from Sanskrit meaning ‘primary substance’ or ether.


The Akashic records are described as a complete universal record of every thought, deed, action and emotion that has ever occurred, or for that matter, will ever occur.


Some suggest that this perfect record, imprinted into a certain vibration of the universal ether, and in part incorporates the ‘collective unconsciousness’ as described by Jung. However, it is believed that the records are generally of an even higher vibration and are responsible for making clairvoyance and other psychic perceptions possible.



The Higher Self


Then of course there is the higher self.


The higher self, also known as the Oversoul and Atman, is difficult to define. During my research to find a definition I found that many have attempted this task, but have just ended up with very complex metaphors.


So very basically, my version is this: the higher self is the greater part of ourselves which remains in the spirit world and is connected to us to guide us and protect us. Those who meditate and develop spiritually become more in tune with their higher self which seems to help with their journey through life.



The Soul


Dictionary definition: “The spiritual or immaterial part of a human being, often regarded as immortal.”


It is of course more complex than that. It is suggested that we are made up of four separate parts:


The physical body. That’s what is left over when we die, that well-known trilogy of mind, body and spirit. It’s the body.


The Etheric Body. This surrounds the physical and bears the life-force which maintains life and health. This could be the spirit.


The Soul. Known as “The bearer of experiences”. In other words it is what makes us who we are, our character, that part which gains experiences and takes them from life to life.


The ego. Just another one to add on. Descartes started this idea off, the ego is the “I” or “the personality” and has been adopted by the likes of Freud.


So, back to where we started. The soul is that part of us that experiences and goes from life to life adding to that experience.



The Ether


There is no suitable dictionary definition available for this concept, it is simply the space around us outside the restrictions of the third dimensional world. It involves such things as astral planes and multi-dimensional vibrations.



Wherever these memories are stored the techniques presented in the following lessons will find them.


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Dictionary definition: The rebirth of a soul in a new body.


The fact that you are participating in this course suggests that you already have a good understanding about the whole concept of reincarnation and life-plans. Nevertheless, I feel it is important to discuss the subject in some detail as it forms a large part of the foundation of this course.


When your clients start to come and see you, remember that they are probably embarking upon a new facet of their spiritual journey of self discovery and believe me, some of them will want to discuss reincarnation in detail.



Reincarnation: the Concept of Being Reborn into This World Many Times


Also referred to as The Cycle of Rebirth and Transmigration of the Soul.


There are many views about what reincarnation actually is so one way to really explain it is to discuss why we reincarnate.




Just a Few Suggestions




We reincarnate in order to experience and evolve. I think I can safely state that without creating too much discussion.




We reincarnate to balance out our Karma. The laws of cause and effect – what we do to others, we must have done to ourselves. The more you look into the understanding of the laws of karma the more complex it appears. It is seldom as simple as ‘an eye for an eye’. It would appear that we can have karma with individuals, groups of people, places, and even whole countries.


As always the universe is probably too complicated for us to comprehend completely.



We reincarnate because we are stuck here. Another theory suggests that we are enslaved within the low vibration of this third dimensional planet and only when we can all raise the vibration of our ‘collective consciousness’, through balance of karma etc, can we then escape the cycle of rebirth.



We keep coming back because we are addicted to life. It has been said that we keep longing to return to the flesh over and over again because there just isn’t any substitute for the pleasures and sensations of the third dimension.


One more then we will move on.

God’s Will


God, the “Universal Consciousness” (call Him/Her/It what you will), before the three dimensional universe was created was so pure, perfect and at one with Himself that He couldn’t actually “experience” Himself. So He decided to fragment part of Himself into millions of tiny facets, souls so that they could interact with each other and provide that experience. Only when this understanding is fully satisfied can all these tiny parts, us, return to the whole.


The ideas presented here are not set in stone and are really just offered up for discussion. There are some excellent books on the subject if you would like to look into reincarnation in more detail. See Lesson 6’s bibliography.





There is a vast amount of documented evidence to support reincarnation and past lives. Children, especially when they are very young, readily recall very detailed past life memories being able to accurately state several names and places.


You could say that this is easier for children because they have not yet learnt that they shouldn’t remember!


Once you have gathered details from a regression you have done with a client it can be fascinating to do some research. Often dates do not seem to tie up with a particular historical period, especially at first. The reason for this is to do with the way the mind remembers:



Visual memory is more efficient that factual memory.



As the client has more practice the facts become more accurate, so there is nothing to worry about. At the end of the day it is usually more about understanding than writing a history book, so few are perturbed by small discrepancies.


In some cases fine detail can come through very precisely indeed and have been sufficient in quality and volume to be able to create some fascinating literature. No discussion on the accuracy of documented Past Life Regression would be complete without at least one mention of the books “The Search for Bridey Murphy” and “Across Time and Death: A Mothers Search for Her Past Life Children”. These are both excellent reads and are listed in the bibliography in lesson 6.


To research the past life experiences that your client has, it is important to guide them in a way that causes your subject to come up with the necessary details. There is help with the required techniques in later lessons.


Once armed with many useful facts you can then do some research with books and records. The Internet is also an excellent resource. There seems to be a web page for just about anything you may wish to know about.




Most of the world's religions include reincarnation as part of their doctrine, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Druze, the American Indians and even Judaism. Christianity is the religion which seems almost to stand alone in not recognising reincarnation, but this has not always been the case. In 553 AD, during the reign of Justinian, all references to reincarnation were removed from the Bible, presumably to make a rigid doctrine easier to impose on the masses.


If you look at today's Bible from an unbiased perspective, you can see many references to the cycle of rebirth. Does the phrase “born-again” sound familiar?


One thing we must be aware of: as professionals we have a responsibility to do our best to work with our clients within the framework of their own spiritual beliefs. It is not for us to impose our own theories on them. Of course, there is nothing wrong with sharing what you personally believe in, but we must maintain a high level of respect for those who have approached us for help.


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Alternative Explanations


Alternative Explanations



Now here is some good news for all those people out there who do not believe in reincarnation. Past Life Regression works for everyone regardless of their beliefs or preconceptions. Found there in the depths of their inner mind, anyone can be successfully regressed to some memories from another time. For those, here are a few alternative ideas:


Genetic Memory


This theory presents itself as a more scientific explanation. The memories of our ancestors are said to be imprinted into our genetic structure, the DNA. These genes are passed down from one generation to the next and have some sort of bearing on our thought processes, helping to create our character and behaviour. Using Past Life Regression techniques, somehow we can access this genetic recording and experience those memories.


This theory can break down and you'll see why as you gain experience in practice. What it cannot account for is the past life recall of many different cultures. Most people can tap into lives from all different areas of the world. So, unless your Uncle Frank on your mother's side was an Inuit  ...


Connection with Those in Spirit


Some have put forward the idea that we connect with a soul who is in spirit and tap into their memories, a bit like the way a medium works.


Not a bad theory but we need to take into account the behavioural characteristics of an individual which tend to transfer from one previous lifetime to the next.


These trends are unique and are recognised by the individual exploring their past lives, so any memories that cannot be directly linked would not be entertained.


This theory is supported by a minority, because those who believe in spirit are quite open-minded enough to accept reincarnation as well anyway.


Pure Fantasy


Perhaps we are just making it all up. Quite honestly, if there are therapeutic gains to be made does it matter? I often say this to people who believe they have just spent an hour in my reclining chair spouting absolute drivel!


 If by doing this they have released some deeply lodged repression-based issues and feel better for it, then that's fine – job done.


Of course we must always assure our clients that in our expert opinion: no, you're not making it up, because when in hypnosis, the material is being provided by the subconscious and this part of the mind is incapable of dishonesty. (More about the subconscious later). Add to this a small discussion regarding the vast amount of documented research that has been conducted which has accurately verified many names, dates and places.


If they still have doubts, don't worry. That is something for them to deal with.


There are only a few of this type of client because people generally would only come for Past Life Regression if they believe in it in the first place.


Tapping into the Akashic Records


This is to do with accessing the experiences of other people's lifetimes.


Again, you've got to believe in spiritual matters to even entertain this idea and if you can accept the concept of Akashic Records then you're more than likely to believe in reincarnation.


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People's Perception


People's Perception


Psychics, Clairvoyants and Mediums


The phrase “Past Life Regression” is also used by certain clairvoyants and mediums.


When a client sees a psychic they are given a reading based on what the psychic sees, so the accuracy of the information is dependent on the ability of the reader as the client’s participation is minimal. There is nothing wrong in this as long as the psychic is particularly gifted but it does create a problem in that potential clients approaching us sometimes expect this sort of treatment, so:


Beware of anyone asking for a reading.


Spiritual Growth


Others have the idea that this is some sort of meditation. In fact they're not really that far off the mark. Certain types of meditation are very closely related to self-hypnosis and those who practise ‘pathway’ meditation in particular would be quite able to project themselves into their own past lives.


Why Do People Want to Be Regressed?



I would say that the main reason people have for wanting a Past Life Regression is pure curiosity. They are just interested in who they were. This probably accounts for about 60% of our clients.


This need to find out about themselves is often triggered by events happening in their life. Past life memories can manifest in many ways:

Triggered Recall


Perhaps they visit an area for the first time and it all seems so familiar. Maybe they have found themselves in a strange town yet they can accurately predict what will be around the next corner.


A particular noise can trigger off a past life feeling like, for instance, the sound of an old fashioned aeroplane flying overhead or rain forest sounds.


Another common example is when a client meets someone for the first time yet feels as if they have known them all their life. People get feelings or “vibes”, whether good or bad, from the individuals they encounter.

Spontaneous Recall


Past life memories can surface all on their own in the form of flashbacks or perhaps a fairly intense daydream. The feelings they experience are similar to déjŕ vu.


Children especially have spontaneous recall and might suddenly come out with a phrase like, “I was just thinking about my other family, the one before this”.


Far Memory


This is a much rarer phenomenon where there is total recall of a complete past life, just there in the conscious memory. This can be due to a soul who has reincarnated with a specific purpose - perhaps to put the record straight about their history. Most often it is only the one past life that is remembered and all the others that the soul has had remain hidden in the subconscious for therapists like ourselves to help uncover.




During our dreams the subconscious communicates with us, and occasionally small facets of a past life are remembered in considerable detail. Sometimes these are recurring dreams, sparked off by an unresolved issue which the subconscious is trying to deal with. This can be an emotional experience for some and they can wake up with a feeling of disquiet.


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Other Spiritual Practises


Other Spiritual Practises


Pathway Meditation


As I have mentioned before, people who develop themselves spiritually and raise their vibration by practising meditation can find themselves exploring past lives but may not always realise what is happening. Again, there are different sorts of meditation and the type which uses visualisation will be able to connect with the subconscious to experience previous lifetimes.


Transcendental Meditation


Another practice which is completely unsuitable to assist with past life recall is called Transcendental Meditation. In this discipline the idea is to totally clear the mind and mentally rest in a void of nothingness. When a thought is finally permitted to enter this arena of altered consciousness, a mantra is then recited to deal with it.


Please appreciate that this is a much understated account of this deeply spiritual practice and I apologise to all those who practice Transcendental Meditation but if that's what you're into you may have a hard time with Past Life Regression.


I met a client who had been practising Transcendental Meditation for 15 years and spent two long hours with him to try to facilitate visualisation. There was a glimmer but basically it beat me. I never saw him again.


Historical Obsession



There are many people who have a profound interest in one particular historical period. They do not necessarily have an interest in all history, just one single era. They collect memorabilia and books, visit certain museums and even join specialist groups like, for instance, The Sealed Knot which is a nationwide association who re-enact English Civil War battles to a very high standard of authenticity. I would suggest there is a very high chance that if we regressed a member of The Sealed Knot, we would find an English life during the civil war. If this type of client sees a painting or a film portraying their particular era for example, it can often evoke strong emotions for them.




Irrational Fears and Phobias


Hypnotherapy has a very good reputation for finding and resolving the cause of fears and phobias, many of which can be traced back to repressed traumas experienced in an early period of the client’s present life. From experience I have found that a proportion of the phobic clients I see find their root cause in a past life.


These people may experience what is known as “Spontaneous Past Life Regression” when they suddenly find themselves reliving some trauma in the mind which has no relation to their current life.


Unusual Physical Symptoms


Some people seem to suffer with chronic physical symptoms that modern medicine cannot find an explanation for. For example, a continuous pain in part of the body that has no physical cause. Odd shaped and sized birthmarks are sometimes present and turn out to be at the very same part of the body where our subject was injured in a previous life.


Other Symptoms


Other symptoms that can manifest from an event in a past life may be identical to those caused by repressed issues in a present life. This will be covered in detail in later lessons but just to give a few examples: There are the psychological ones like anxiety and depression, along with physical ones such as asthma and eczema which are associated with stress and nerves.


A Diplomatic Approach


Occasionally there will be the need for the conventional Hypnotherapist to diplomatically suggest that past lives should be explored to resolve issues. This should only be done after all normal conventional hypnotherapeutic practices have been exhausted.


Look for the Clues


As a specialist in Past Life Therapy you will find that a great number of clients approach you with a feeling that the cause of their emotional or psychological imbalances originate from a past life. It is very important to listen to the client as they are often correct. The subconscious knows anyway so in a way it is telling them, even though that knowledge only comes through as a mild intuition. This isn't always the case as you will also find clients requesting a Past Life Regression to clear up their fear of water or whatever. Once in hypnosis the subconscious may block any access to past lives and then insist that you look in the early years of their present life, if that is where the issue originates from.



So the rules are:


Listen to what the clients want. They are usually right.


Listen to their subconscious. It is always right.


Finding Familiar People


“As soon as I met him something felt so familiar as if I had known him all my life.”


This is the third main reason why people want Past Life Regression; to see if they have shared a life with someone who is important to them in this life. This is quite a common occurrence within practice and invariably gets a result. If a person gets a strong feeling about another in their presence, regardless of the fact that they hardly know them, then something is going on. We are more susceptible to ‘vibes’ than we realise. First impressions can speak volumes.


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There are two types of research to discuss here:


That which we can do as we gain information from our clients.


That which has been done by others.



As far as our moral, caring side is concerned the main reason for practising Past Life Regression is not just to gain names, dates and places but to help our clients on a much deeper emotional and healing level.



However ...


There will always be the client who just wants to see who they were and then check the authenticity of the information gained. Great, don't knock it; that's our bread and butter and we've all got to eat. Also it can be interesting to do a little bit of historical fact finding ourselves.


I would stress that you make no promises to your clients regarding any research that you are happy to do. The following information should be regarded as advice that you can pass on.


Where to Research

The Internet


On the rare occasion I have some time I find the Internet is a great source of information. Just put a few details of a regression you have done into a search engine and feel the tingle when something proves to be right. I would always recommend as the best search engine available for this type of research.




If the life to be researched is quite a recent one then some of the many genealogy websites could be useful. You can sometimes trace the actual person your client was, or at least home in on an area where they lived.


Within these sites many different records can be found such as:


Births, deaths, marriages and christenings. Military records, immigration and emigration. British and overseas Census reports.


The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints have a particular interest in genetic lineage and they produce a tremendous amount of information that is available to the public. These records are available on CD sets of Census records, pedigrees, births and christenings or alternatively you can look on their website


Another useful site is which is good but you do have to join up and pay an annual fee if you want to delve deeper.


Historical Sites


There are numerous websites dedicated to a particular period of time produced either by enthusiastic individuals, (who most probably have a life in their favoured period), or by specialist societies. These sites are very useful for documenting the historical facts of the period being researched. For example, the fashion or the details of a particular military Regiment.


Geographical Sites


Many counties in the British Isles have their own websites and these can be a wealth of information regarding the history and geography of the local towns and villages, with many records such as parish and prison along with links to other useful sites for more records and information.




Along with a wonderful selection of history books, libraries very often have an archive section where you can research local history. Again it is far above and beyond our duty to go to these lengths to research the regression of one of our clients but you will be surprised at the level of interest some people have for proof. So let them do it if they want to.



British Records Office (formerly Somerset House)


The ultimate national collection of all records. Very useful if your subject has regressed to life in the UK but of course that doesn't always happen. We have been all cultures, so any research is immediately restricted once you are presented with a past life based in some far-off land.


Research Done by Others


There has been a great deal of in-depth research into past life memories done over the years, some of it by very respected and prominent people such as Dr Ian Stevenson, the Director of Personality Studies at the University of Virginia who has researched over 3000 cases in 40 years.

There are other types of research where people have had very detailed regressions and then spent years piecing together the fragments of a previous life and eventually accumulating enough evidence to write a book. A case I have already mentioned is that of Jenny Cockell, who always had certain memories of a previous lifetime where she had been a young woman called Mary Sutton living in Ireland. This was fairly recent history so Mary's eight children were still alive and were eventually traced and reunited with Mary in her new life.


On very rare occasions a subject, when regressed, can speak in a foreign language. The interesting bit is when the research is done and the words spoken turn out to be an ancient dialect no longer used.


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Other Practices

Other Practices



Soul Retrieval



This is a slightly different discipline to the more conventional methods that will be presented to you in the following lessons but it is practised by a number of past life therapists so it is well worth an explanation.


If we endure some kind of emotional trauma, either in our present life or in a past one, it is believed to be so that our soul can fragment and a part can split off. This can return in time but not always. If the part remains missing we cannot fully function as a whole being and tend to live in response to that void within us. Soul retrieval helps to find these missing fragments and reintroduce them back into the whole being.



Past Life Healing



This process is similar to the way a practitioner in Past Life Regression would help resolve issues from a previous lifetime.


The difference is that in Past Life Healing the subject experiences and understands the past life traumas and is then taken forward to the death of that particular life and all the healing is done when in the spirit stage.


With conventional Hypnotherapy and Past Life Therapy the issues are dealt with as they are encountered.



Past Life Healing – Again



It must be noted that there is another therapy also called Past Life Healing within the discipline of Reiki. This is quite different and requires no knowledge of Hypnotherapy.




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 End of lesson exercises are optional but we expect you to take them at the end of each lesson as opposed to doing them all in one go just prior to taking the exam. The aim of these is to check progress as you go though the lessons.


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