The Past Life Therapists Association -  Therapists in Lincolnshire


Dr. Michael G. Millett. Ph.D, Cert.H.Hyp, PLTH (Accred), DPLR/SR, Cert.Couns, THH (Accred), FHS SHS (Acc),

Elevated Therapy International

"Tipperary House"   21 Dudley Road    Grantham    Lincolnshire    NG31 9AA    Map

Tel: 0845 65 88 22 0 (UK Local Rate Line)    and    01476 568800

Main Web Site:                          

Past Life Area on site (Direct url):


The Elevated Therapy International web site is a place to visit for lots of information about past life regression and past life healing as well as numerous related and complementary information and ways of working and development for your interest.

Michael`s Diary and availability details are there for your perusal.


Diploma in Holistic Hypnotherapy.

PhD in Psychotherapy.

Diploma in Counselling and Hypnotherapy.

NLP Practitioner.

Accredited Past Life Practitioner.

Diploma in Transpersonal Healing.

Certificate in Mastery as a Reiki and Seichim Master.

Life Purpose Coach.

Energy Therapist and Licensed Trainer.

Spirit Releasement Therapist.


Memberships / Awards

International Association for Regression Research and Therapies Inc. (USA).

National Council for Hypnotherapy.

National Association of Counsellors, Hypnotherapists and Psychotherapists.

The Hypnotherapy Register.

The Association for Meridian Energy Therapies.

International Reiki Association.

Professional Fellowship and Supervisor with The Hypnotherapy Society (UK).

Professional Fellowship with The Counselling and Psychotherapy Society (UK)

Member of The Past Life Therapists Association

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Debbie Ison

Toymakers Cottage  Snarford  Lincolnshire  LN8 3SW   Map

Tel: 07842 054408

Web Site:


Debbie is an experienced past life regression therapist who has a passion to help her clients over come any obstacles and fulfil their highest potential. Debbie is trained in a number of different therapies including Hypnotherapy, Integral Eye Movement Therapy, Past Life Regression Therapy, Mindfulness and Meditation and Reiki.  She is also trainer of Hypnotherapists, Reiki students, and NLP Practitioners.


• Advanced Diploma in Past Life Regression Therapy

• Diploma of Merit in Past Life Regression

• Advanced Diploma in Hypnotherapy

• Diploma of Distinction in Clinical Hypnotherapy

• NLP certified Trainer

• NLP Master Practitioner

• Usui and Tibetan Reiki Master and Teacher

• Mindfulness and Meditation Teachers Diploma

• Integral Eye Movement Therapy certified practitioner

• OldPain2Go Practitioner


Memberships / Awards

• Member of The Past Life Therapists Association

• ANLP Trainer member

• GHR Advanced Practitioner Member

• GHSC, OldPain2Go

• Integral Eye Movement Therapy Association

• IPTIANLP Trainer member

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Richard Wish

Tranquil Horizons  Flat 3   Streets   Northgate   Louth   Lincolnshire   LN11 0LY   Map

Tel: 07983 886834


Web site:

Tranquil Horizons provides a broadly based therapy practice discreetly located in central Louth. Hypnotherapy is offered which provides effective therapeutic treatment for many issues that affect clients' everyday lives. A particular specialism of Tranquil Horizons is Past Life Regression that seeks to resolve very long standing events that affect the current lives of clients. Richard is also a Reiki Master/Teacher and this energetic natural healing is offered as a stand-alone service or to be incorporated into a treatment programme. All treatment is solution focussed and is based on love, care and kindness.


Diploma in Hypnotherapy

Diploma in Past Life Regression Therapy

Reiki Master/Teacher Usui Shiki Ryoho

Reiki Master/Teacher Tibetan Reiki



• MPLTA  -   Member of The Past Life Therapists Association

• The Hypnotherapy Council

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Mirielle Curry

Humberstone Road Grimsby NE Lincolnshire DN32 8AZ    Map

Tel: 07907 076192

Web Site:


Facebook: soul-journey-grimsby

I am a Holistic Therapist with a passion and commitment for helping others to identify heal and release that which no longer serves their highest good. Would you like to experience the adventure of a past life regression or simply just wish to discuss the possibility further please don't hesitate to get in touch.  Feel free to visit my website, If you would like to know more about the services I offer. I will be opening my new premises for business on 4th May 2024, I'd love to hear from you, or you can just pop along to my open day on this day, I look forward to hearing from you. Thanks for taking the time to read.


• 2010 Past Life Regression Therapist DPLT

• 2006 Introduction to regression Therapy - S.A.C DIP

• 2008 Basic Counselling Skills - level 2 - S.A.C DIP

• 2008 Grief & Bereavement Counselling - level 3 - S.A.C DIP

• 2024 Holistic Therapist,

• 2024 Past life Healing Practitioner,

• 2024 Intuitive Oracle Card reading,

• 2023 Angelic Reiki level 1&2,

• 2023 Soul Midwifery for Angelic Reiki, 2022/23 Advanced Psychic/Mediumship,  


• Member of The Past Life Therapists Association

• Angelic Reiki Association

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Horncastle Lincoln

Rev Shelley Mayes

Flange and Prong   7 West Street  Horncastle  Lincoln  Lincolnshire LN9 5JE     Map

Tel: 07522 225106

Web Site:


Rev Shelley Mayes

Flange and Prong Spiritual (witchcraft shop)

Im a high priestess, elder of two covens

Interfaith minister

Body modification piercer.

Past life regressor and teacher of past life regression.


• Diploma in past life regression

• Professional Accreditation for past life regression training course.



• Member of The Past Life Therapists Association

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Canwick  Lincoln


Karen Scarcliffe

Vibrant Health  Sibthorpe Gardens  Canwick  Lincoln  LN4 2RL   Map

Tel: 01522 820619


Web site:


Past Life Healing LPT2

EFT Emotional Freedom Technique

Reiki Master

State Registered Nurse

Hopi Ear Candles


Embody Complementary Therapists Association

MPLTA  -   Member of The Past Life Therapists Association

IARP - International Association of Reiki Professionals

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Maud Berneburg

Clinic at Lincoln MS Therapy Centre, Home visits by arrangement.

Tel: 01522 752 708 Mobile: 07984 592808


Web site:

Explore, release & heal!  Become aware of how your soul's journey culminates in the present moment. Past lives resonate in our current life, in our strengths and weaknesses. When the time has come to address what no longer serves us, Past Life Regression helps to heal and release what is holding us back.  We can find out about our purpose in this life and gain insight into our true potential. With the help of the therapist, we realise that the root causes for certain fears belong in the past. This enables us to let go of anxieties and fears and find the courage to move on. Past Life Regression has great therapeutic value beyond the excitement of knowing a past life persona, for it sets us up to align with our soul's higher purpose. We can then find the resolve to lead a more fulfilled and happy life.








• MPLTA  -   Member of The Past Life Therapists Association


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Lynette Epton

The Little Artisan & Holistic Emporium   27 Bridge Street   Horncastle   Lincs   LN9 5HZ   Map

Tel: 07909927558



Past Life Regression Practitioner


MPLTA  -   Member of The Past Life Therapists Association

FHT - Federation of Holistic Therapists

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Mandy Lafferty

The Old Post House, Main Rd, Stainfield, Lincolnshire. LN8 5JL.  Map

Tel: 07502 161279


Web site:

I am a holistic therapist & facilitator living & working in Stainfield, Lincolnshire. My "job" is my passion & I love organizing events, workshops & passing on any knowledge I have in workshop setting. I find all things holistic & spiritual captivating. It gives me a deep feeling of satisfaction to offer my services to you as I am committed to helping others achieve & develop their own healing & spiritual development as well as my own.


• Past life healing practitioner

• Past life regression practitioner.

• Usui Reiki teacher

• Usui/Holy fire Reiki teacher.

• Hopi ear candling therapist & teacher

• Indian head massage therapist & teacher.

• Angelic Reiki therapist & teacher

• Reflexology practitioner

• Thai foot massage practitioner

• Kundalini Reiki practitioner & teacher

• Indian face massage practitioner

• Animal therapy practitioner & teacher

• Bach flower remedy practitioner.


• MPLTA  -   Member of The Past Life Therapists Association

• Angelic Reiki Association.

• Reiki Guild.

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James Lafferty

The Old Post House, Main Rd, Stainfield, Lincolnshire. LN8 5JL.  Map

Tel: 07851 287294


I am a Holistic Therapist starting my journey some 20 years ago when i was taught by my Wife the wonders of Usui Reiki and then growing my interest in all forms of Holistic methods including my latest achievement becoming a PLR therapist which i find fascinating. The holistic side of me balances well with my spiritual interest with Norse Paganism being a large aspect of my life along with readings and astral traveling.


• Usui Reiki Practitioner

• Past Life Regression Therapist


• MPLTA  -   Member of The Past Life Therapists Association

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Lynette Epton - Horncastle

Karen Scarcliffe - Canwick Lincoln

Dr. Michael G. Millett - Grantham

Debbie Ison - Lincoln

Richard Wish - Louth

 Mandy Lafferty - Stainfield

Mirielle Curry - Grimsby

Rev Shelley Mayes - Horncastle, Lincoln

Maud Berneburg - Lincoln

James Lafferty - Stainfield

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