The Past Life Therapists Association -  Therapists in Essex


Tina Hill

Collier Row, Romford, Essex   Map

Tel: 07931 363275  


Web site:

Tina is a Past Life Therapist and a Member of the Past Life Therapists Association also offering Smoking Cessation, Weight Management and Past Life Energy Therapies..

She is a Reiki/Seichem and Egyptian Cartouche Master/Teacher, having qualified in Usui, she then went on to work with Seichem energies.

She also offers Weight Management, Sports Nutrition and Targeted Nutrition through Free Wellness Evaluations and Personal coaching as well Facials, Luxury Facials and Natural Lift Facials.

In addition she also offers Seated Chair Acupressure and Indian Head Massages.

She can also help you focus and clear your mind through Guided Meditation, and teaches Meditation and Spiritual Development Courses.


• Adv. Diploma in Past List Regression and Hypnotherapy

• Diploma in Past Life Energy Therapy

• Diploma in Smoking Cessation Therapy

• Diploma in Weight Management Therapy

• Herbalife Wellness Coach

• Diploma in Nutrition

• Diploma in Sports & Exercise Nutrition

• Diploma in Personal Training

• Master Herbalist Diploma

• Usui Reiki Master/Teacher

• Seichem Reiki Master/Teacher

• Diploma in Crystal Healing

• Egyptian Cartouche Mastery

• Master Teacher In Magnified Healing®

• Spiritual Awareness & Self Development

• Meditation Certificate

• Diploma Indian Head Massage

• Diploma in Seated Accupressure Massage

• Diploma in Natural Lift Facial

• Certificate in Luxury Facials


     • MPLTA Member of the Past Life Therapists Association

     • MIPTI (Member of Independent Professional Therapists International),

     • RASA (Reiki and Seichem Association), SWA (Spiritual Workers Association)

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Karen Hardy

Private Practice in Mayland and also room rental in South Woodham Ferrers Chelmsford.

Tel: 07932 987866


Web Site:

I am a Psychotherapist/Counsellor, Hypnotherapist and Reiki practitioner based in Essex. Hypnotherapy can include smoking cessation, phobias, weight loss, stress management, anxiety, habits, confidence, self esteem and pain management.

However, the reason I went into Hypnotherapy was my interest in past lives. I trained as a Past Life Therapist with the Past Life Therapists Association and can honestly say it has totally changed both mine and my clients lives. So many questions answered. It all made total sense and the journeys I’ve had both on my own and with clients have made me want share this with others.


DPLT  Diploma Past Life Therapy  

• AdvDPLT  Advanced Diploma in Past Life Therapy

Chrysalis certificate in Hypnotherapy and counselling skills Cert Hyp CS

• Advanced Diploma in Psychotherapeutic Counselling

• BA (hons) in Psychotherapy and Counselling


Membership of the Past Life Therapists Association

• Member of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (Bacp)

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Samantha Rutherford

Earls Street   Thetford   Norfolk   IP24 2AD  Map

Tel: 07881 642222


Web Site:

I am Samantha the founder of HypnoHugs. After working for many years in the corporate world and feeling there was more to life, I had an epiphany… I wanted to get back to what mattered, walk in nature and take in the amazing beauty of this world. Breath deeply, and connect with myself on a higher level. Most importantly I wanted to support others who felt they too needed something more. I am here to help you rebalance life, invest time back in YOU and get back to a sense of calm. Continually developing, I will be adding more holistic vibes to my repertoire… so for now, please come along with me on my journey…


• Counselling Skills Level 2

• Reiki

• Certificate in Hypnosis

• Diploma in Past Life Regression and Therapy

• Diploma in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy


• Membership of the Past Life Therapists Association

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Gavin Bowtell

12 Baywood Square   Chigwell   Essex   IG7 4AX  Map

Tel: 020 8172 0060   Mobile: 07918 468 886


Web Site:

Here is a review from one of my clients:

"I have recently undergone past life regression hypnotherapy with Gavin and I highly recommend his expertise and manner.  The offering is most comprehensive, encompassing not only the appointment itself but both the introductory conversation and post-session notes.  Having no experience but plenty of interest in the field of past life regression and also the practice of hypnotherapy, I found Gavin receptive to my questions and happy to explore the topics arising therefrom over the introductory Zoom call and then email correspondence afterwards.  Gavin also offers beforehand a self-hypnosis recording to help the client prepare for the session and become familiar with the manner and method.  Quite aside from the preparatory value, I have found this recording most useful for relaxation purposes and for getting to sleep at night.

The session itself was fascinating from an experiential perspective, and illuminating in the long run.  Gavin unobtrusively guided me through the hypnosis, carefully avoiding any suggestive plants.  I fell into the deepest relaxation of my life!  Of course, I will not go into the details of my own experience as each person’s will differ, but it is quite honestly unlike anything I’ve ever experienced and something that I would encourage for anyone simply looking for introspection, let alone those minded towards the wider possibilities of PLR.

Gavin afterwards provided the session’s recording and the notes he took during it so that I could study them in my own time.  He was again happy to respond to my questions and comments to help reach a greater level of appreciation for the experience and an understanding as to what it might mean.  Overall, alongside the memorable experience of the session itself, I have throughout found Gavin to be informatively open-minded on the subject of PLR and willing to discuss a range of possible contributors to what is experienced whilst under PLR hypnotherapy."


• Diploma in Past Life Regression and Therapy

• Advanced Diploma in Past Life Regression and Therapy

• Certified OldPain2Go Practitioner

• Certified Integral Eye Movement Therapy (IEMT) Practitioner.

• Certified Slim via Hypnosis Practitioner

• Advanced BWRT® Practitioner.

• Emotional Freedom Technique Practitioner

• Level 3 Practitioner in WSN Transformational Coaching & Counselling.

• Acknowledge Supervisor with GHR

• Ageing Unplugged The Essex Institute of Clinical Hypnosis.

• Blueprint – Content Free Hypnotherapy with Central Training UK

• BroadBand for Brains from The Essex Institute of Clinical Hypnosis

• BWRT® Level 1 (General Psychopathology) with Institute of BrainWorking Recursive Therapy*BWRT® Level 2 (Psychology of Identity & Behaviour) with • • Institute of BrainWorking Recursive Therapy*

• BWRT Abolishing Anxiety with Institute of BrainWorking Recursive Therapy*  

• BWRT® Defusing Depression with Institute of BrainWorking Recursive Therapy*  

• BWRT® Deep Mind Protocol with Institute of BrainWorking Recursive Therapy*

• BWRT® Transformational Coaching with Institute of BrainWorking Recursive Therapy*

• BWRT® Disarming Destructive Anger with Institute of BrainWorking Recursive Therapy

• Conscious Analytical Therapy from The Essex Institute of Clinical Hypnosis

• Diploma in Hypnotherapy and NLP from New Steps School of Hypnotherapy

• Emotional Freedom Technique from UK Hypnosis Academy

• Hypnotherapy Practitioner Diploma from NCH and NCFE

• Hypnotension Certified Practitioner

• International Advanced Diploma from The Essex Institute of Clinical Hypnosis

• OldPain2Go

• Smashing Depression from The Essex Institute of Clinical Hypnosis

• Specialist in Psychosexual Dysfunction from The Essex Institute of Clinical Hypnosis registered here

• Slim via Hypnosis Practitioner from TranceFormers

• EFT/TFT Practitioner from The Priority Academy

• WSN Counselling & Coaching Level 3 Practitioner from The Essex Institute of Clinical Hypnosis.

• Reiki Master Teacher


• Membership of the Past Life Therapists Association

• Accredited by National Council for Hypnotherapy

• Member of the National Council for Psychotherapists

• Registered with  General Hypnotherapy Register

• Registered Practitioner with General Hypnotherapy Standards Council

• Practitioner Member of the UK Reiki Federation

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Mary Lucas

2 College Road   Grays   Essex   RM17 5PB   Map

Web site:


I have been in practice as a Hypnotherapist since 1994.

I enjoy helping clients with many problems, including depression, anxiety, phobias, lack of confidence, anger, Weight loss and habits including Stopping Smoking and other drugs.

I have a special interest in Past Life Regression for the fascinating information it uncovers and for it’s therapeutic effect.


• Diploma in Hypnotherapy with the International Association of Hypno - Analysts

• Diploma in NLP with the Wesland Institute

• Certified Hypnotension Practitioner


     • The Past Life Therapists Association

     • The National Council for Hypnotherapy

     • The General Hypnotherapy Register

     • Hypnotherapist Register

     • Associate member of The Royal Society of Medicine

     • Central Register of Stop Smoking Therapists

     • Complimentary and National Healthcare Council

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Leena de Silva

1st Floor  Vision Fitness   Barley Barn    Church End   Henham   Essex   CM22 6AN   Map

Mobile:  07984 665331


web site:


•  Hypnotherapy & Past Life Regression Therapy with PLTA


• The Past Life Therapists Association

• Lucia No3 Academy

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Please choose a Therapist:

Gavin Bowtell- Chigwell

Tina Hill - Romford

Karen Hardy - Chelmsford

Samantha Rutherford - Southend-On-Sea

Mary Lucas - Greys

Leena de Silva - Henham