The Past Life Therapists Association -  Therapists in Cumbria


Heather Hornby

Woodlea, Cornbirthwaite Road, Windermere, LA23 1DJ   Map

Telephone: 07800 620498

Web site:


As I’ve always been deeply fascinated about past lives and what happens to us in between those lives, it fills me with joy that we can, via hypnotherapy, discover more about these.

If you have a phobia or fear that you don’t understand it could well be that this was formed in a past life.  Hypnotherapy can take you to a ‘place’ where this could have originated.  By understanding how and where this started will greatly assist in the healing, leaving you free to move forward in your life.

Past Life Regression Therapy re-opens those memories that your subconscious has hidden away and gives you the insights needed to understand why certain issues may keep repeating in your life.

About me

I’m not airy fairy, and I don’t walk around with my head in the clouds.  I get life, I accept at times it can be difficult, but I understand that as soon as we take responsibility for our own actions, and recognise that we need healing at all levels, we then have the power to make magnificent things happen.

My skill, and my Soul purpose is Hypnotherapy and Akashic Record Reading.  I focus solely on these two modalities as I’m deeply passionate about how we can heal ourselves, both at a physical and Soul level.  

My key strength is being honest – with myself and with others.  I’ve worked really hard on myself over the years, and will continue to do so, but I’m also extremely passionate about sharing my knowledge and helping others achieve their full potential.


• DPLT (Diploma for Past Life Therapy)

• AdvDPLT (Advanced Diploma in Past Life Therapy)

• DVHGBT (Diploma in Virtual Gastric Band Therapy)

• DWMT (Diploma in Weight Management)

• DSCT (Diploma in Smoking Cessation Therapy)

• Soul Realigment Practitioner

• Advanced Soul Realignment Practitioner

• Akashic Record Reader

• Reiki Master

• Accredited Life Coach


• PLTA The  Past Life Therapists Association

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Brigitte Lyons


Blossom Cottage  1 Temple Terrace  Whitehaven CA28 7PB  Map

Telephone: 01946 528 507

Mobile: 07746 500 578

Web site:

Email:  or


An appointment (during the day, evenings or week ends by arrangement) lasts 1 ½ to 2 ½ hours but one session will clear some issues in your life today!

Brigitte Lyons assisted her Partner & twinflame, Colin Mills, to the point where she felt compelled to also qualify as a Hypnotherapist.

A Past Life Regression session will uncover why you have problems with certain people and clear blocks that plague you in your current life. Hypnosis produces a deeper contact with one’s emotional life, resulting in some lifting of repressions and exposure of buried fears, phobias and conflicts.

Through a deep state of relaxation, it is your own subconscious that will lead you to the past life you most need to go to sort out issues. You will discover the opportunity to get a greater understanding of yourself, your life and the people around you.

YOUR PAST IS YOUR PRESENT AND BECOMES YOUR FUTURE. A past life regression could re-adjust your future by breaking a cycle you may have created in a previous life because of a trauma that your mind repressed. However, the subconscious, incapable of lying, is the blueprint of all your lives with all its emotions and remembers absolutely everything. It is the most powerful computer in the universe and ITS DATA CAN ALWAYS BE RETRIEVED!

Brigitte is using relaxing and comfortable techniques but most of all, works in a secure and protected environment. She is the tool to gently lead you to these past memories.

Brigitte has also specialised in the HYPNO-BAND WEIGHT LOSS SYSTEM where your subconscious is made to believe that you actually have a gastric band fitted.

Never underestimate the power of thoughts!!


Brigitte firmly believes that once the root of a problem has reached the level of consciousness, healing plays an important and vital role to a full and complete recovery. Reiki Healing and Reiki courses are available as she has completed the Master/Teacher level training in the Traditional System of Natural Healing.

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Please choose a Therapist

Heather Hornby - Windermere

Brigitte Lyons - Whitehaven