The Past Life Therapists Association -  Therapists in Hampshire


Patricia Baker   

Morning Dew Holistic Therapies

33a Pack Lane   Oakley  Nr. Basingstoke   Hampshire  RG23 7BE  Map                                                                 

Tel:  01256 782189   Mobile:   0745 6000392

Web Site:



An experienced hypnotherapist, energy healer of over 35 yrs PTSD therapy and Anyone can stop smoking Plus how to deal with depression.

I am a retired Nurse/English Studies Grad. Alongside my various professions, I practised as a Spiritual Healer.

I now specialise in Past Life Regression which can be considered an important tool to extend healing capabilities. Many symptoms of ill-health such as unexplained pain in the physical body or manifestations of phobias or fearfulness within one's mind which defy understanding, could indeed be attributed to an uneasy soul history.

Meditation has played a big part in my life and I am pleased that I am now able to teach it to others who wish to use it as a precursor to health and well being by nurturing the 'knowing' part within us to help fulfil true potential in this life.

Now able to do Skype sessions by arrangement.


• Dip. PLR

• Dip. GM


• MPLTA – Member of Past Life Therapists Association

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Colin Mew

Corsair Drive, Dibden, Southampton  Map                                                                 

Tel:  02380 845 485   Mobile:   0788 790 1350

Web Site:



Colin has developed a wide range of holistic skills to help gain knowledge of how to assist people lead a more positive life.  He specialises in regressions using hypnosis.  He has been regressing people for over twenty years, using hypnosis to help many people to explore a past life experience. He now primarily uses specialised regression as a powerful therapy by working with the symptoms that the client brings to the session, such as health challenges or overcoming emotional issues and trauma. We focus on working with the soul in the search for answers and origin of symptoms.  We begin with navigating through sad memories and then search for the route source. It may be found in this life or in a previous life from a past trauma. We work on understanding and forgiveness to help release deep rooted emotional memories and energies held within the physical body to find spiritual peace.  The therapy also helps spirits that might be attached to a client’s energy field causing symptoms.


• Diploma in Clinical hypnosis  2004.

• Practitioner in Master NLP 2006,

• Practitioner in BodyTalk 2007

• Counselling (level 2 certificate) 2007

• Reiki levels 1 +2 2008

• Diploma in Nordic Holistic Medicine Diploma 2012

• Certificate in hypno-chemo cancer support 2015

• Practitioner in QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) 2016

• Practitioner in Introspective Hypnosis 2019

• Practitioner in Past Life Regression Therapy 2021


• MPLTA – Member of Past Life Therapists Association

• Introspective Hypnosis and Past Life Therapy

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Anne Thomas

Raynes Road, Lee-On-The-Solent, Hampshire UK PO13 9AJ   Map

Tel: 02392 423601



• Past Life Regression Therapy

• Advanced Hypnotherapy Techniques

• Life Between Lives Regression  

• Future Lives Progression

• Everyday Mindfulness Diploma

• Between Lives and Beyond Regression

• Professional Hypnotherapy Diploma

• Mindfulness for Children Diploma

• Professional Counselling Diploma

• Professional Grief and Bereavement counselling Diploma

• Professional colour Therapy Diploma

• Past Lives Healing Emotional Wounds

•  Indian Head Massage Diploma

• Group Hypnosis Diploma

• Usui Reiki Master Teacher


• Member of The Past Life Therapists Association

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Hampshire / West Berkshire

Louise Levy

Hampshire / West Berkshire

Tel:  07984 011429


web site:

Thank you for finding my details. I offer a free no obligation telephone consultation so why not give me a call to find out more about this fascinating area and how it can help you personally on 07984 011429.

Whether you are simply curious to experience this spiritual concept of hypnotherapy, are interested to find out how your personal past life story unfolds or whether are looking to use it as a way of resolving deep rooted issues, you can be sure to leave my session having found out a lot more about yourself and your inner psyche. Typically clients tell me they are genuinely surprised and enlightened by the clarity, insight, awareness and understanding they have acquired through this experience.

There are so many ways that this safe therapy can be beneficial. I typically see clients for a resolution of anxiety, fears, phobias, unresolved trauma, unhelpful patterns of negative thinking, self-esteem issues and a range of physical conditions. PLT can rapidly bring about a resolution of harmony into the areas of your life that need it the most whether its health and well being, love or simply a welcome sense of making peace with your past life and letting it go.

Why not experience Past Life Therapy with no agenda? In fact 9 times out of 10 the story that unfolds for you will be exactly right for you because you will draw from it what you need to. Call me now to find out more with my free, no obligation telephone consultation. I look forward to hearing from you, and welcome answering your questions. Warm regards Louise Levy.


• MA Master Of Arts Degree(Acrt) in Guidance Counselling

• DipCAH Diploma In Clinical Advanced Hypnotherapy H.E. Level 4

• DipCBH Diploma In Cognitive Behavioural Hypno-Psychotherapy

• HPD Hypnotherapy Practitioner Diploma Gold Benchmark Standard)

• Master Practitioner In Smoking Cessation Hypnotherapy

• Diploma In Advanced Weight Control and Hypnotic Gastric Band

• Master Practitioner In Working With Children (Certificated)

• Specialist Certification In Emotional Trauma Regression

• PNLP Practitioner Of Neuro Linguistic Programming

• MNCH(Acc)Snr Member Of The National Council For Hypnotherapy

• GHR GQHP General Qualification In Hypnotherapy Practice

• Adv DipLC Advanced Diploma In CBT Life Coaching (Distinction)

• PG DipCG Post Graduate Degree In Careers Guidance H.E Level 5

• Chronic Pain / Stress Illness Advanced Specialist (SIRPA)

• BTFT British Thought Field Therapist (Algorithm Level)

• DPLT Diploma In Past Life Therapy

• BPS British Psychological Society (Level A)


• The Past Life Therapists Association

• NCH National Council For Hypnotherapy

• CNHC Complementary Natural Healthcare Council

• UK Thought Field Therapy Association

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Please click on a therapist:

Louise Levy - Hampshire / West Berkshire

Patricia Baker - Basingstoke

Colin Mew - Southampton

Anne Thomas -  Lee-On-The-Solent